Putting the Record Straight

From: Ross Baker

Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2017 4:35 PM

To: Gregory Baughen [DPMC]

Cc: B English (MIN) ; onzf@bigpond.com.au ; Colourblind State Discussion Group ; 1law4all ; casey@hobsonspledge.nz

Subject: Re: Governor General makes errors in her Swearing-in-Speech.


Mr Gregory Baughen [DPMC],

Official Secretary to the Governor-General of New Zealand,


New Zealand.


Dear Sir,

Hopefully by now Governor General Dame Patsy Reddy has had time to read the attached article we sent to her and she now understands the “errors” she made in her Swearing-in-Speech on the 28 September 2016 where she stated, “That in exercising her functions as Governor-General she would respect and honour the unique partnership between the Crown and Māori, as enshrined in our founding document, Tē Tiriti o Waitangi” .

The Tiriti o Waitangi only gave sovereignty of all the islands of New Zealand to Britain, made tangata Maori into British Subjects; and place New Zealand on a temporary basis under the laws and dependency of New South Wales.

As Her Majesty’s Representative, Dame Patsy must understand a British Subject cannot be in “partnership” with the Crown or the Monarchy.

The Tiriti o Waitangi was only an agreement between Queen Victoria and the tangata Maori chiefs that placed New Zealand on a temporary basis under the laws and dependency of New South Wales from the 21 May 1840 until Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent dated the 16 November 1840 made New Zealand into an independent British Colony with its own Governor and Constitution to form a political, legislative and justice system in New Zealand on the 3 May 1841.

As Her Majesty’s Representative, Dame Patsy must understand that Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent was New Zealand true Founding Document and first Constitution.

For far too long Governor Generals have been granting Royal Assents based on false information, even getting into a clash on the ABC Four Corner’s Programme, “Trick or Treaty”  with Prime Minister Geoffrey Palmer and Attorney General, the late David Lange who stated,“The Treaty was, far from clear now, in fact, it is so vague and that is its primary problem” and “Did Queen Victoria for a moment  think of forming a partnership with a number of signatures, a number of thumb prints and 500 people? Queen Victoria was not that sort of person”,

Sir, we ask that Governor General, Dame Patsy Redding puts the record straight by making a public statement of her “errors” in her Swearing-in-Speech and in future, grants her Royal Assents based on Fact not Fiction!


Yours sincerely,

Ross Baker.

Researcher, One New Zealand Foundation Inc.

  1. Prime Minister, Hon Bill English.

Other interested Parties.