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Reply to Rawiri Waititi. The Dominion Post, Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Reply to Rawiri Waititi. The Dominion Post, Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Rawiri Waititi asks, “Have we really, ever upheld the Tiriti o Waitangi in the first place”?   (Dominion Post. 28 July 20210).  The answer is Yes, the document has been around for 181 years, but can we really blame the Tiriti o Waitangi for Maori being worse off in health, educational achievements, homelessness, and incarceration?   

The Tiriti o Waitangi asked, “Tangata Maori to give up their kawanatanga/government and in return, they would become British Subjects with the same rights as the people of England” and that is exactly what happened. Maori have had the same rights as any other New Zealand Citizen to our hospitals, education system, homes and being incarcerated if they break the law, so it cannot be what was promised in the Tiriti, it must be something else that I guess, only Maori can answer!  Perhaps it’s too much time learning a language that only a few Māori’s can speak or understand or not adapting to the changes in all our lives over the last 181 years, such as getting a good education, looking after ones health and not breaking the law.

Tangata Maori have intermarried of their own free will with other races until today, they are all a mixed race of people just like most other New Zealand citizens, but most other New Zealanders have not taken one part of their ancestry and expected it to be treated as special. 

Yes, tangata Maori did own New Zealand/Nu Tirani once, but due to the intertribal wars before the Tiriti was signed, over 2/3 of New Zealand was sold by the chiefs with hundreds of “legal” Deeds of Sale still held in the New South Wales Supreme Courts. It was only due to British intervention asked for by 13 Ngapuhi chiefs, that this land was returned to the chiefs who had sold it, by the Colonial Government without compensation or a Waitangi Tribunal to lodge a claim for the return of this confiscated land to the European buyers. 

In 1840, tangata Maori agreed to British rule/law over New Zealand. British law is based on democracy, “The majority rules”. Before the Tiriti o Waitangi, New Zealand was made up of hundreds of tangata Maori tribes continually at war with each other and completely out of control. It is estimated over half the Maori population was killed after Hongi Hika, Ngapuhi smuggled over 800 muskets into New Zealand from England and went on the rampage south killing thousands of his unarmed country men women and children for the fun of it and the feasts that followed. This started the Musket wars of the 1820’s/1840’s. 

Rawiri, you say, the Tiriti o Waitangi was never about the democracy process in this country, but wait a minute, when each chief signed the Tiriti at Waitangi on the 6th February 1840, Lt Governor Hobson repeated, “He iwi tahi tatou – We are now one people” to which your tangata Maori ancestors gave 3 hearty cheers. This is democracy, we are now all one people with equal voting powers.

The Tiriti o Waitangi did mention sharing for the good of both races, but under one flag and one law, irrespective of race, colour, or creed. You mention, “It should, however, be all about our right”, but there was no mention of the tangata Maori having special rights in the Tiriti o Waitangi, your tangata Maori ancestors agreed to, “The same rights as the people of England”. 

Democracy is not about them and us, it about treating all citizens being treated the same. If Maori are succeeding under kura kaupapa, kohanga reo and Whanua Ora, then what’s the problem?

I agree, what is happening today is not about hatred, but it is about division and apartheid, them and us and completely contradicts what your tangata Maori ancestors expected from the Tiriri o Waitangi when they signed it in 1840.

Calling New Zealand Aotearoa was a fairy tale named used in a fairy tale story in the 1890’s and shows how little Rawiri knows about New Zealand/Nu Tirani’s true history. Over 500 chiefs agreed and accepted Nu Tirani as the tangata Maori name for New Zealand in the Treaty of Waitangi. No mention was made of Aotearoa before, during or after the Tiriti o Waitangi.

Rawiri, the funniest part of this whole article is your comment, “Will you go with the sunrise into tomorrow and so naturally as the tide change, or will you be left behind, in the archaic dark age, and struggle to stay afloat against the changing tide”. 

Rawiri, this is what your whole article is about, today’s part-Maori being left behind in the archaic dark age, and struggling to stay afloat against the changing tide, while the rest of New Zealanders, “Continue to go with the sunrise into tomorrow”!                             

As for Mr Smith, National MP, he should be asking for an investigation into National’s past Prime Minister, Hon John Key sending Hon Pita Sharples to sign the United Nations Declaration on Rights of the Indigenous Peoples without a mandate from Parliament, the people of New Zealand, forensic evidence, or a government definition of who are the Indigenous people of New Zealand.

What any man, whoever he may be, orders on his own, is not law“. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, book 11, Chapter 1, Treatise of Social Contract, 1763.

Ross Baker, Researcher, One New Zealand Foundation Inc. Est: 1988.



Oh Debbie, where did you learn such rubbish?

Oh Debbie, where did you learn such rubbish? 

I feel extremely sad for Maori Party MP, Debbie Anne Ngarewa-Packer as she must live every day with so much hate in her belly about colonisation because she has no idea of New Zealand’s true history. (See, “What this ‘debate’ will not discuss”. Wanganui Chronical. 30/7/2021). 

This is shown by her opening statement, “Hey colonizer, so let me get this right, you want to lead a debate about indigenous rights that you helped destroy”? It was your tangata Maori ancestors that destroyed any indigenous rights. In fact, they had destroyed the indigenous people/tangata whenua and their rights long before the colonizers set foot in New Zealand/Nu Tirani! 

Surely, you have been told that on Hongi Hika’s, Ngapuhi return from England in 1820, he had smuggled over 800 muskets into New Zealand, then went on a cowardly rampage south killing thousands of his unarmed countrymen, women, and children for the fun of it and the feasts that followed. Te Rauparaha doing the same further south. It was not long before the Southern tribes had also gained muskets and were arming themselves to attacked Ngapuhi for utu/revenge. In fear, 13 Ngapuhi chiefs wrote to the King of England asking him to be their guardian and protector, not only from the French, but also from themselves. 

Hongi Hika’s and Te Rauparaha attacks in 1820/30 led to the musket wars that wiped out nearly half the tangata Maori population and caused some chiefs, mainly in the South Island to sell 2/3 of New Zealand before the Treaty was signed. If you don’t believe me, then go to New South Wales Supreme Court where you will find hundreds of “legal” Deeds of Sale relating to these sales. The “nasty colonialist” then stopped the intertribal wars, brought law and order amongst the tangata Maori tribes, and returned most of the land the chiefs had “legally” sold, without compensation to the buyers or being allowed to lodge a claim for compensation or the return of their land, as part-Maori can do today, with the apartheid Waitangi Tribunal.  

It’s sad that you do not know that after the letter from the 13 Ngapuhi chief’s writing to the King of England, Britain reluctantly became involved in New Zealand to stop the brutal intertribal wars, genocide and cannibalism that had been raging in New Zealand since the beginning of the 18th century. These are documented facts held in Archives around the world, the British Parliamentary Papers as well as the truth told by the great Maori stateman, Sir Apirana Ngata in his book, “The Treaty of Waitangi – An explanation”, which I suggest you read before putting pen to paper again! 

As for your final comment, “We are tangata whenua and the sooner the colonisers accept that the sooner Aotearoa will grow up”. The chiefs agreed and accepted they were not tangata whenua, as over 500 signed the Tiriti o Waitangi as tangata Maori with not one complaining. This was endorsed by Dr Rangainui Walker, past Head of Maori Studies at the Auckland University when he quoted in the “1986 New Zealand Yearbook” page 18, “The traditions are quite clear on one point, whenever crew disembarked there were already tangata whenua (prior inhabitants) living in New Zealand”.  The New Zealand Government does not have a definition of the Indigenous People, or tangata whenua of New Zealand for the simple reason, there is no forensic evidence to say who were the first inhabitants!  

It also seems Debbie did not read fairy tales when a child, because if she had, she would have known “Aotearoa” was a fairy tale name for New Zealand in a fairy tale story in the 1890’s! 

It’s sad when part-Maori like Debbie Anne Ngarewa-Packer have been so brainwashed that they continue to live with such a hate of colonisation, when they could be enjoying a once beautiful country built by their ancestors, both Maori and Pakeha based on Lt. Governor Hobson’s famous quote at Waitangi on the 6th  of February 1840 after each chief had signed the Tiriti o Waitangi, “He iwi tahi tatou – We are now one people”, to which the whole gathering gave 3 hearty cheers with another 500 tangata Maori chiefs signing the Tiriti o Waitangi over the next six months.       

Best wishes Debbie for a far happier life when you have learnt the truth!

Ross Baker. Researcher, One New Zealand Foundation Inc. Email: .

He Puapua for whom?

While Prime Minister, Hon John Key sent then Minister of Maori Affairs, Hon Pita Sharples to the United Nations to sign the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous people, neither of them knew who these people were as Government did not have a definition of the indigenous people of New Zealand. See letter from Hon Pita Sharples below.

In Pita Sharples statement to the UN, he could only say, “Maori hold a distinct and special status as the indigenous people, or tangata whenua, of New Zealand”. In other words, there was no evidence that Maori were the indigenous people of New Zealand, just that, “Maori hold a distinct and special status as the indigenous people, or tangata whenua, of New Zealand”.

This was endorsed by, Dr Ranginui Walker, past Professor of Maori Studies at Auckland University who wrote in the “1986 New Zealand Yearbook”, page 18, “The traditions are quite clear on one point, whenever crew disembarked there were already tangata whenua (prior inhabitants) living in New Zealand”.

While Lt. Governor Hobson called the natives, “New Zealanders” in his Treaty of Waitangi draft, Rev Henry Williams who translated the Treaty of Waitangi, called the natives who were to sign the Treaty, “tangata Maori” to distinguish the natives from “All the people of New Zealand”. (The Pakeha)

Rev Henry Williams had been living in New Zealand since 1822, so he must have known from stories told by the tangata Maori, they were not the indigenous people or the tangata whenua. It must also be remembered, Lt. Governor Hobson, James Busby and Rev Henry Williams checked the translation of the Treaty for an hour before it was read to the gathering at Waitangi on 5 February 1840. If the 540 chiefs who signed the Treaty did not agree with being called tangata Maori, then I am sure they would have complained. They did not! 

Not only is there no evidence that tangata Maori were the Indigenous People of New Zealand, the 540 chiefs agreed they would, “Have the same rights as the people of England”, which would include government, health and all services supplied by one government under one flag and one law, irrespective of race, colour or creed.  

Here we have a government allowing a small group of New Zealand citizens, with no evidence they are the indigenous people of New Zealand, and in most cases, with only a minute trace of tangata Maori ancestry, about to run the country.

How ridiculous is this! Are you going to stand by and let it happen?

Until Government and todays part-Maori can prove with documented, forensic evidence that their tangata Maori ancestors were the indigenous people of New Zealand, then He Puapua must be shelved immediately! 

Hon John Key sent Hon Pita Sharples to the UN to sign the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People without mandate from the people of New Zealand or any evidence who these people were.

Hon Jacinda Ardern, must come up with the evidence or shelve He Puapua immediately because she has no evidence or mandate from the People to let it proceed!   

Ross Baker, Researcher, One New Zealand Foundation Inc. Email: 

Please distribute this article far and wide. Thankyou.

Open Letter to “Our Evil Politicians”!

Evil Politicians Must Stop “Twisting our History”. 

It is obvious, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and many of her colleagues have never set foot inside Archives New Zealand because if they had, they would realise there are no documents to substantiate the propaganda they are forcing on the People of New Zealand. There is not one document in the New Zealand, Australian and American Archives or the British Parliamentary Papers that state, “Maori were the tangata whenua”, are “In Partnership with the Crown” or “Would have special rights not enjoyed by all the people of New Zealand. Our politicians are misleading New Zealanders based on unsubstantiated and undocumented propaganda and it must stop!  

If they had, they would know, He Paupau” is a breach of the “Tiriti o Waitangi” and “Queen Victoria’s 1839 and 1840 Royal Charters/Letters Patent”.

Our true history can only be taken from New Zealand, Australian or American Archives or the British Parliamentary Papers and not the corrupt propaganda being forced on the people of New Zealand by government, especially our young school children by, “Our Evil Politicians”. Politicians who have absolutely no idea of New Zealand’s true history who are prepared to, “Sell their souls” to one small group of New Zealand Citizens to stay in power. It was a well-known fact in 1840, the people who signed the Treaty of Waitangi were not the “tangata whenua”, which was acknowledged by over 500 chiefs when they signed the Tiriti o Waitangi as “tangata Maori”.  

Dr Ranganui Walker, a past Professor of Maori Studies at the Auckland University confirmed this when he stated in the 1986 New Zealand Yearbook, page 18, “The traditions are quite clear on one point, whenever the crews disembarked, there were already tangata whenua (prior inhabitants) living in New Zealand”.

The Declaration of Independence and the Treaty of Waiatngi were not, “Iconic constitutional documents that shaped Aotearoa New Zealand” as stated in the new $7.2 million He Tohu Exhibition at the National Library, Wellington after the Constitution Room at Archives New Zealand, which had held all our constitutional documents on public display for 25 years, was dismantled by Government in 2017 to hide our true history.

Both the Declaration of Independence and the Treaty of Waitangi had been drafted and signed when New Zealand was under the dependency of New South Wales, New Zealand’s Governor being Sir George Gipps until New Zealand became a British Colony on the 3 May 1841

The Declaration of Independence had been a complete failure as British Resident, James Busby, could only entice 52 chiefs to sign it before it was abandoned without one meeting taking place as the chiefs who had signed it, were back fighting each other. Tangata Maori could never form a united Government as ruled by Chief Justice Prendergast in 1877. 

The Treaty of Waitangi had achieved it purpose by over 500 tangata Maori chiefs, “Giving up their kawanatanga/governments to Queen Victoria” and in return, tangata Maori becoming British Subjects, “With the same rights as the people of England” as explained in Article 1 and 3 of the Treaty of Waitangi. Article 2 explaining to tangata Maori, “Queen Victoria would guarantee to them, their lands, their settlements and all their property, the same as all the people of New Zealand. All the people of New Zealand would now be treated, “The same under one flag and one law – English law, irrespective of race, colour or creed”.                 

On the 2 October 1840, it was announced in the London Gazette, New Zealand was under “British sovereignty”, which has never been challenged by any other Nation. The Treaty of Waitangi had achieved its purpose when New Zealand was under the dependency of New South Wales and was filed away as it was a, “Done deal”!

While some say tangata Maori gave up their sovereignty, this was overruled by Chief justice, Sir James Prendergast in 1877 when he ruled, “So far indeed as that instrument (The Treaty of Waitangi) purported to cede sovereignty, it must be regarded as a simple nullity”. No political body existed capable of making cession of sovereignty”. This ruling has never been overruled!

Queen Victoria’s 1840 Royal Charter/Letters Patent is New Zealand’s true Founding Document and first Constitution! For further information: 

No mention of the Declaration of Independence or the Treaty of Waitangi were made in Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent dated the 16 November 1840 as it was a “Done deal” when New Zealand was under the dependency of New South Wales.      

Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent and the First Constitutional Charter of New Zealand dated the 16 November 1840 separated New Zealand from New South Wales on the 3 May 1841 and made New Zealand into a British Colony with a Governor and Constitution that set up our political, legal and justice systems under one flag and one law, irrespective of race, colour or creed.     

Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent, the First Constitutional Charter of New Zealand and the First Sitting of the Legislative Council must be displayed at the He Tohu Exhibition as, “New Zealand’s constitutional documents that made New Zealand into a British Colony and set up our political, legal and justice systems under one flag and one law, irrespective of race, colour or creed”. To do otherwise shows how corrupt governments have become to hide our true history from the People of New Zealand. 

What is displayed at the He Tohu Exhibition is the worst propaganda ever forced on the people of New Zealand by any government, especially our young school children, except for the propaganda forced on the people of Nazi Germany during the Second World War. The Declaration of Independence and Treaty of Waitangi were not constitutional documents as they did absolutely nothing in making New Zealand a British Colony under one flag and one law. The Treaty of Waitangi only made tangata Maori, “British Subjects with the same rights as the people of England”. No more – No less! 

The Royal Charter/Letters Patent dated the 16 November 1840 was issued by “Victoria by the Grace of God” under, “The Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland”. The Treaty of Waitangi was not! 

Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent dated the 16 November 1840 is New Zealand’s true Founding Document and first Constitution and to say otherwise is only, “Propaganda forced on the people of New Zealand by Evil Politicians”!  

Even our Governor Generals, since the 1975 Treaty of Waitangi Act have no idea of our true history as they continue to give their Royal Assent to Bills based on race and race alone, which completely breaches the Tiriti o Waitangi and Queen Victoria’s Royal Charters.  

It is obvious the Governor General, Dame Patsy Reddy, the Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and her colleagues have never set foot inside Archives New Zealand because if they had, they would realise the corrupt propaganda they are forcing on the People of New Zealand. It is time they all spent a few days/weeks at Archives New Zealand to learn about our true history, but they would have to ask for the Royal Charters as they have been hidden from the public by government in Archives Repository where they must now be ordered to research, that is, if future researchers know they exist! 

A small group of Citizen’s twisting our history for their own gain!

Your sincerely,

Prepared by Ross Baker. Researcher, One New Zealand Foundation Inc.  14/11/2020. 

Website: Email: Copyright.

See articles below,

  1. “Guilt”, by Brent Steven Pierson, 
  2. “Vital Documented History Hidden by Governments”, by Ross Baker. ONZFI.  


Vital Documented History Hidden by Governments.

Most of this information is fully documented in Archives New Zealand.

No mention is made of Dr Ranginui Walker, past Head of Maori Studies at the Auckland University statement in the, “1986 New Zealand Year Book”, page 18, “The traditions are quite clear on one point, whenever crew (tangata Maori) disembarked there were already tangata whenua (prior inhabitants) living in New Zealand”.

No mention is made of the 140 inter-tribal wars between 1806 and 1845 that killed half the tangata Maori population. Ref: List of “Inter-tribal Wars”, by R D Crosby

No mention is made of Hongi Hika, Ngapuhi smuggling over 800 muskets into New Zealand when returning from England in 1820, then going on the rampage south slaughtering, eating or taking as slaves, thousands of his unarmed fellow countrymen, women and children.

No mention is made of the 13 Ngapuhi chiefs who wrote to the King of England asking him to be their guardian and protector from the southern tribes who were arming themselves for utu/revenge for Hongi Hika’s cowardly musket attacks.

No mention is made of the Taranaki tribes who had been driven from their land by the Waikato, later traveling to the Chatham Islands and virtually annihilating the unarmed peace-loving Moriori. Farming them, “Like swine” into virtual extinction!

No mention is made of how the government paid off the Waikato to allow the Taranaki to return to certain areas, but they violated this agreement and war arose. 

No mention is made of how Britain had to intervene in New Zealand to stop the genocide being created by Hongi Hika in the North Island, Te Rauparaha in the South Island and Taranaki at the Chatham Islands. New Zealand was completely out of control by 1831.

No Mention is made of Britain sending Resident James Busby to try and bring peace between the warring tribes as asked for by the 13 Ngapihi chiefs in 1831. 

No mention is made that James Busby could only entice 52 chiefs to sign the Declaration of Independence before most of the chiefs that signed were at war with each other before the ink had even dried. The Declaration of Independence was a complete failure as the tangata Maori chiefs did not want to or could never form a united government. There was absolutely no political unity between the tribes of New Zealand as ruled by Chief Justice Prendergast in 1877.   

No mention is made that New Zealand was under the jurisdiction and dependency of New South Wales, before during and after the Treaty of Waitangi was signed. There was no Government in New Zealand until the 3 May 1841 when New Zealand became a British Colony.

No mention is made that over 2/3 of New Zealand had been sold by the tangata Maori chiefs before the Treaty of Waitangi was signed with hundreds of Deeds still held in the New South Wales Supreme Court. See, “Pre-Treaty Land Sales” by H. H. Thurton written in 1862. 

No mention is made that this land was returned by the New Zealand Government to the chiefs who sold it without compensation to the European buyers.

No mention is made that the Treaty only asked the tangata Maori chiefs to give up their kawanatanga/governments to the Queen and in return they would become British Subjects, “With the same rights as the people of England”. Article 1 and 3.

No mention is made of a “Partnership between Maori and the Crown” in the Treaty, just that tangata Maori would have, “The same rights totheirland, “their” settlements and “their” property, the same as, “all the people of New Zealand”.  Article 2.  A British Subject cannot be in Partnership with the Crown” under English Law. There is nothing in the Tiriti o Waitangi that stated, “Tangata Maori could form their “own government”!

No mention is made that the Treaty of Waitangi was filed away after it had been signed because it had achieve its purpose when New Zealand was under the Dependency of New South Wales. 

No mention is made that a notice was placed in the London Gazette on the 2 October 1840 declaring Britain had sovereignty over all the islands of New Zealand.  

No mention is made that the translation of the Tiriti o Waitangi has been so bastardised, a once beautiful language has been destroyed for ever. 

No mention is made of the Royal Charter/Letters Patent dated the 16 November 1840 issued by, “Victoria by the Grace of God” under, “The Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland” that separated New Zealand from New South Wales dependency and made New Zealand into an Independent British Colony on the 3 May 1841 with a Governor and Constitution that made New Zealand into a British colony under one flag and one law, irrespective of race, colour or creed. .

No mention is made of the First Sitting of the Legislative Council that set up New Zealand’s political, legal and justice systems in 1841 under one flag and one law, irrespective of race colour or creed. 

No mention is made that most of the larger Treaty of Waitangi claims were settled with “full and final” settlements in the 1930/40’s through our Court system. 

No mention is made that claims against the Crown can only be claims against breaches of our legal system, not the Treaty of Waitangi as the Treaty of Waitangi only asked tangata Maori to give up their kawanatanga/governments and in return, “They would become British Subjects with the same rights as the people of England under English law”. 

No mention is made that the Treaty of Waitangi is not part of our legal system or legislation, a fact ruled by the Privy Council in 1941.

No mention is made that in 1877 Chief Justice Sir James Prendergast ruled, “So far indeed as that instrument (The Treaty of Waitangi) purported to cede the sovereignty it must be regarded as a ‘simple nullity’. No political body existed capable of making cession of sovereignty”.

The Treaty of Waitangi was not our Founding Document, our Founding Document was Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent dated the 16 November 1840 issued by, “Victoria by the Grace of God” under, “The Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland”. 

All the above information can be found in the New Zealand, Australian and American Archives, or the British Parliamentary Papers.

Prepared by Ross Baker, Researcher One New Zealand Foundation Inc. 10/2/2020 ©  

Who Were the Indigenous People of New Zealand?

Kapupungapunga: 200-300 BC

History handed down by the Tainui elders tells of tribal warfare which saw the extinction of aboriginal people known as Kapupungapunga. As an old legend-keeper explained, Kapupungapunga meant: Garments dyed yellow with raupo-reed pollen.

These people were from one of the large continents that was above water hundreds of years ago but has subsequently been displaced with water. Mu was the continent in question and NZ, along with other close islands (including Easter Island) were the highest parts of that continent….Murrians. It was within easy reach of what is now South America. The ‘sister’ continent was Lemuria, a continent that science has just discovered and stretched through what is now the Indian Ocean. The outline of Mu can be seen from above.

Patupaiarehe: 200-300 BC

They are the people who lived on the great continent that once stood in the Pacific but succumbed to the rotational changes of the earth and a great inundation of their land. NZ is what is left of the continent, as are some of the islands scattered throughout the lower Pacific. Most people call the continent Mu. They were a very advanced race beings, much like the ones of Atlantis and had similar understandings… they were in contact, so they knew of each other’s existence and there was no disharmony between them.  Beside gods, the natives believed in the existence of other beings who lived in communities, built pas, and were occupied with similar pursuits to those of men. These were called Patupaiarehe. The chiefs’ residences were on the tops of lofty hills, and they are said to have been the spiritual occupants of the country prior to the arrival of the tangata Maori, and to retire as they advance. The Wanganui natives state that when they first came to reside on the banks of the river, almost all the cliff heights were occupied by the Patupaiarehe, who gradually abandoned the river until a few generations ago. They had their favourite haunts there.

Waitaha People: 550 AD.

New Zealand history cannot be understood unless the pre-Maori people who settled this country are acknowledged in history and their descendants honoured as still living among us. Ignored and unrepresented as separate entities at the signing of the Treaty in 1840, the Waitaha and Patupaiarehe people have yet to be acknowledged for who they are, let alone formally made part of the ‘one people’. Our history needs to be rewritten to include them.

Ngati Hotu-Celts 1120 AD.

The Celts were people who were banished to the Far Lands [old name for New Zealand, on

Old maps] in 1120 by King Alexander the 1st; the language was Gaelic.

The bloody past must be forgiven but not forgotten. The history of the Patupaiarehe and Waitaha people is also their history because through marriage, forced or otherwise, the blood of these two Tangata Whenua (indigenous peoples) flows in some Maori veins today. Maori, at least in some small part, come from the gene pool of the ancient Caucasians who pioneered settlement in this land and, consequently, they should be proud of the Waitaha and Patupaiarehe as part of their history.

The term tangata Maori was used by Rev Henry Williams when he translated the Treaty of Waitangi to define the two peoples—Tangata Maori and Pakeha.

Before the Treaty there was no such race of people called tangata Maori, they were called New Zealanders, but as more people from other countries arrived in New Zealand, the natives had to be given a name to distinguish them from the foreigners. Many Acts of Parliament have been enacted since 1865 due to their ancestors freely intermarrying with other races until they are no longer the tangata Maori or the people who signed the Treaty of Waitangi.

Languages, like many of the human ‘things’ go in cycles and this is just another of those cycles. It also takes away the possibility of the truth being exposed. Rather it becomes clouded in the ‘new’ pronunciation… there is nothing new on this planet, only recycling of the old. They ‘came from the sea’ because they did not truly understand where they came from; maybe in the near future the truth of their origins will be exposed and will be irrefutable hence a little humbling will be the order of the day.

Research was done into the tangata Maori people. Who were they? DNA tests concluded that the mitochondrial DNA was Chinese from Taiwan, as the foreign minister of New Zealand, Winston Peters, agreed in his address at the meeting in Malaysia of the Association of Southeast Asian nations (ASEAN) on July 25 2006: My point is very simple, that the Indigenous people of New Zealand came from China (Winston is wrong on this Maori are not indigenous people of New Zealand, as history books tell us there were other people

here before the arrival of Maori who were Kapungapunga, Patupaiarehe, Ngati Hotu/Celts, Waitaha, Moriori, and Turehu.)

We now hope the New Zealand government will moderate its approach in representing New Zealand’s early history, in particular that sites currently off limits to the New Zealand people 

will be opened; and human bones that predate the Maoris’ arrival now in possession of the New Zealand government will be DNA tested. Winston Peters offered to pay for these tests and a distinguished professor of genetics at Oxford University with a worldwide reputation has agreed to conduct them. All we now await is government agreement. (DNA) is conducted in secret and results are given to Maori and if the results show the bones are not theirs, are buried or destroyed as governments protects this side of our history. New Zealand is one of the only countries in the world that will not accept its true history by either distorting it or hiding it from the public.)

Tests performed in New Zealand in 2004 found yet more startling evidence – including wrecked junks impaled upside down high on the cliffs of South Island. The only feasible explanation for such widespread destruction was a tsunami wave had smashed the junks into

The cliffs leaving them impaled.


It is a fact stated by Maori themselves, “New Zealand was inhabited by other races/peoples called tangata whenua long before the arrival of tangata Maori (1).  There are sites belonging to tangata whenua that Maori will not visit due to being “Tapu”.  (Sacred, prohibited, restricted, set apart, forbidden).

Government must be honest and make these early people part of our history. Maori were not the tangata whenua or the Indigenous People of New Zealand, they were just a group of people who arrived in New Zealand by sea, hundreds of years after the tangata whenua, the original inhabitants.


By Ian Brougham, Researcher, One New Zealand Foundation Inc.  1/4/2021.

(1).  On page 18 of the “1986 New Zealand Yearbook”, Head of Maori Studies at Auckland   

        University, Professor Ranginui Walker stated, “The traditions are quite clear on one 

        point, whenever crew disembarked there were already tangata whenua (prior 


Are Today’s Maori Imposters

Dear Fellow New Zealander’s, 

Re: Are Today’s Maori Imposters?

Since the 1975 Treaty of Waitangi Act, Governments have made a terrible mistake in recognising today’s Maori as the people who signed the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840, but no more so than Hon Jacinda Ardern and her Labour Government.

Wake up New Zealand, they are not!

The people who signed the Treaty of Waitangi were a separate race of people called “tangata Maori”, not the tangata whenua or the Indigenous people of New Zealand as we are led to believe today.

Since this time, the “tangata Maori” have intermarried with other races of their own free will until they are no longer the “tangata Maori” but a race of people of many mixed races, in most cases, the majority of their ancestry being from the people they are claiming against today.

Attached is an article by the One New Zealand Foundation Inc. based on 50 years of research from the New Zealand, Australian and American Archives as well as the British Parliamentary Papers and documents obtained under the 1982 Official Information Act.

Please read this article and you will find the majority of New Zealand Citizens have been fooled by Governments into believing today’s Maori are the “tangata Maori” that signed the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840.

 Wake up New Zealand, they are not!


The One New Zealand Foundation Inc. 

Are Maori Leaders and Politicians Imposters?

Imposter – a person who pretends to be someone else in order to deceive others, especially for fraudulent gain.


Most Maori Leaders and Politicians today are imposters. They are not the “tangata whenua”, the first inhabitants or the “tangata Maori” who signed the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840: they are New Zealand Citizens who can claim a minute trace of “tangata Maori” ancestry through intermarriage of their own free will with other races. In most cases, their main ancestry being from the people they are claiming against today, the “Pakeha”. Governments have created this group of people called “Maori” through Acts of Parliament as their “tangata Maori” ancestry became further and further diluted. Their Politicians and Leaders being “imposters”, twisting our history without documented evidence to defraud the people of New Zealand of our land, our assets and our funds.  Wake up New Zealand, these people are not the first inhabitants or the people who signed the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840, they are Imposters!  

The traditions are quite clear on one point, whenever crew disembarked there were already tangata whenua (prior inhabitants) living in New Zealand. The canoe ancestors of the 14-century merged with these tangata whenua tribes. From this time on the traditions abound with accounts of tribal wars over land and its resources”. Page 18,1986 New Zealand Yearbook”, by Dr Ranginui Walker, past Head of Maori Studies at the Auckland University.

The fact is, “Maori” today in most cases are “Pakeha” with a minute trace of “tangata Maori” ancestry, therefore, they are not the people who signed the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840. Their majority ancestry belongs to the people they are claiming against today, their “Pakeha” ancestors!   

While some of the canoe people intermarried with the “tangata whenua”, eventually the “tangata whenua” were driven into the hills by the new arrivals and disappeared. Many of their sites can still be found around New Zealand but were disowned by the “tangata Maori”.    

The canoe people became a very violent people who were constantly at war with each other, but no more so than when Hongi Hika of Ngapuhi, travelled to England in 1820 and smuggled over 800 muskets into New Zealand when he returned. He then went on the rampage south slaughtering, eating, or taking as slaves thousands of his unarmed countrymen, women and children. It is estimated over one third the “tangata Maori” population were exterminated between 1820 and 1840 through the inter-tribal wars.

With the Southern tribes were now arming themselves for utu/revenge for Ngapuhi’s atrocities against them, 13 Ngapuhi chiefs wrote to the King of England in 1831 asking him for protection, not only from the southern tribes but also from the French who were showing interest in claiming New Zealand for France. In 1772 a local “tangata Maori” tribe had massacred and eaten Marion du Frense and 26 of his sailors. In attacks by the French that followed, 250 “tangata Maori” were killed.     

While Britain was not interested in New Zealand at first, but with many of her people now living and investing in New Zealand and the fear of the Native people exterminating themselves, Britain decided to take a more active role in New Zealand in 1840 by asking the Native chiefs to sign a Treaty giving up their kawanatanga/governments for Britain to place New Zealand under the dependency of New South Wales. In return, “tangata Maori” would become British subjects, “With the same rights as the people of England”.  Over 500 “tangata Maori” chiefs agreed and signed the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840.  

Maori should not be blaming the British for their problems; they should be thanking them for saving their ancestors from self-inflicted extermination/genocide! Without the Treaty of Waitangi, like the tangata whenua, tangata Maori would be long gone!

Up until this time the Natives of New Zealand did not have a name to distinguish them from the other races living in New Zealand. Over 500 Native chiefs agreed to being called “tangata Maori” when they signed the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840 as they knew they were not the “tangata whenua” (the original inhabitants). 

There is no mention of “tangata whenua” in the Treaty of Waitangi, the Acts of Parliament defining a Maori or Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent dated the 16 November 1840.   

Over the next 25 years the “tangata Maori” intermarried of their own free will with other races living in New Zealand and the Government had to distinguish these people from the others. From 1865 the Government passed many Acts to define who was a “Maori” to distinguish them from the other people living in New Zealand as their “tangata Maori” ancestry continued to diminish through intermarriage with other races.   

Some of the Statutory Interpretations of a “Maori”.

  1. The Native Lands Act of 1865 defined a Maori as, “an Aboriginal Native and shall include all halfcastes and their descendants by Natives“. 
  2. The Qualification of Electors Act 1879 defined a Maori as, “an Aboriginal inhabitant of New Zealand and includes any halfcaste living as a member of a native tribe according to their customs and usages and any descendants of such a halfcaste by a Maori woman”. 
  3. The Electoral Act 1893 defined a Maori as, “an Aboriginal inhabitant of New Zealand and includes halfcastes and their descendants by Natives”.  
  4. The Native Land Court Act 1894 defines a Maori as, “an Aboriginal native of New Zealand and includes halfcastes and their descendants”. 
  5. The Native Land Acts 1909 defines a Maori as, “a person belonging to the Aboriginal race of New Zealand and includes a halfcaste and a person intermediate in blood between halfcaste and a person of pure descent from that race”. 
  6. The Maori Affairs Amendment Act 1974 defines a Maori as, “a person of the Maori race of New Zealand and includes any descendant of such a person“. 
  7. The Electoral Amendment Act 1975 defines a Maori as, “a person of the Maori race and includes any descendant of such a person who elects to be considered a Maori for the purposes of the Electoral Act”.
  8. The next Act must read, “A Maori is a New Zealand Citizen, no more, no less”! 

From the above Acts, it is obvious, “Maori” has passed its use by date, they have intermarried of their own free will until today they are no longer the people who signed the Treaty of Waitangi, which must be acknowledged by Government.  

There was nothing in the Treaty of Waitangi or our true Founding Document and first Constitution; Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent dated the 16 November 1840 that made New Zealand into a separate British Colony under one flag and one law that said, “Tangata Maori would have special rights not enjoyed by all the people of New Zealand’, especially the ridiculous recent belief that there was “A Partnership between Maori and the Crown”! Would Queen Victoria have promised this to a race of people, “Composed of numerous, dispersed, and petty tribes, who possess few political relations to each other, and are incompetent to act, or even to deliberate in concert”, Lord Normanby’s instructions to Lt. Governor Hobson for drafting the Treaty of Waitangi? 

While the Treaty of Waitangi must be celebrated by part Maori today as the day their ancestors were saved from total extinction/genocide by the British, all the people of New Zealand must celebrate the 3 May as our Independence Day, the day Queen Victoria made New Zealand into a British Colony under one flag and one law, irrespective of race colour or creed. 

Most of the people who call themselves “Maori” today have far more blood of other races flowing in their veins through intermarriage of their own free will, so how ridiculous is it to give this mixed race of people special rights not enjoyed by all the people of New Zealand. They extinguished any special rights when their ancestors decided to intermarry and since then have continued this trend until it is ridiculous to say they are the people that signed the Treaty of Waitangi. They are not! 

While the United Nations states, “A person with tangata Maori ancestry can self-identify as Maori”, it does not say they can have special rights and privileges not enjoyed by their fellow New Zealand Citizens. While they can claim as “Maori”, this does not give them the right to claim anything else based on being “Maori” when their majority ancestry today is “Pakeha”, who these imposters are claiming against today. Wake up New Zealand!

How can our Government continue to recognise “Maori” as a special race of people when they live, work and socialise the same as all New Zealand Citizens? They have all intermarried of their own free will with other races many times over until they have in most cases, only a minute trace of “tangata Maori” ancestry that should not give them the right to be other than a New Zealand Citizen with the same rights as all other New Zealand Citizens.

When their ancestors signed the Treaty at Waitangi, Lt. Governor Hobson repeated, “He iwi tahi tatou – We are now one people” to which the whole gathering gave three hearty cheers. Intercourse in more ways than one between the races has sealed this once and for all and can never be undone. We are now one people under one flag and one law, irrespective of race, colour or creed, whether we like it or not! 

Sir Apirana Ngata, the Minister of Native Affairs gave two serious warnings to his people in 1922. 

  1. If you think these things are wrong, then blame your ancestors who gave away their rights when they were strong”! 
  2. Let me issue a word of warning to those who are in the habit of bandying the name of the Treaty around to be very careful lest it be the means of incurring certain liabilities under the law which we do not know now and are being borne only by the Pakeha”!

Hon Ian Peters, the M.P. for Tongariro (1990–1993) and brother of Hon Winston Peters could see how ridiculous this was when he stated, “It is only common sense that we should not have a person with less than 50% of Aboriginal blood, expecting all the rights and privileges, that were promised or guaranteed in the Treaty of Waitangi, over his fellow New Zealanders”. Most Maori today have far less “tangata Maori’ blood than the 50% recommended by the Hon ian Peters.

And a past Race Relations Conciliator, Mr John Clark of “tangata Maori” descent stated, “Maori today are a people with Maori ancestry as one sees in legislation”. 

It is interesting to note, while most of the Maori Leaders and Politician “Imposters” have little “tangata Maori” ancestry, they have still “conned” our leading politicians such as, Sir Geoffrey Palmer, Hon Doug Graham, Hon Christopher Finlayson, Sir John Keys and worst of all, Prime Minister, Hon Jacinda Ardern into giving large areas of New Zealand, our assets and funds to this group of New Zealand Citizens who are not the people they claim to be while the rest of the people of New Zealand standby and let it happen. 

Wake up New Zealand, through intermarriage, the “Maori” Leaders and Politicians are not the people who signed the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840, they are “Imposters”!

Our ancestors who fought with blood sweat and tears, some paying the ultimate price must be turning in their graves when they see the disrespect these “Impostors” show for their ancestors, both “tangata Maori” and “Pakeha” who saved a race of people from total extinction. Do not let these “Imposters” get away with it, New Zealand belongs to all its Citizens.

May the 3rd, New Zealand Independence Day, the day all New Zealander’s celebrate as ONE!

Prepared by; The One New Zealand Foundation Inc. Copyright. 

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This article has been written by the One New Zealand Foundation Inc. after 50 years researching New Zealand’s true history from New Zealand, Australian and American Archives as well as the British Parliamentary Papers and documents obtained under the 1982 Official Information Act.  We are open to corrections, but they must be supported with official documents with the source, date and author.  Thank You.

Government destroys “One Law for All”!

Government destroys “One Law for All”!

As racism is being used to honour the Treaty of Waitangi, it is an illegal document!


“ONE LAW FOR ALL” was destroyed when the National Government enacted the Treaty of Waitangi Act in 1975 and the Labour Government enacted the Treaty of Waitangi Amendment Act in 1985 with Attorney General Geoffrey Palmer dreaming up his “Five Principles for Crown Action on the Treaty of Waitangi” in 1986. But the final nail in the coffin was when Labour established the Ministry for Maori Crown Relations in 2019. New Zealand became a fully divided country of part-Maori and non-Maori!  One Government is as bad as the other!


These three Acts and the Ministry of Maori Crown Relations are costing the people of New Zealand who cannot claim a minute trace of tangata Maori ancestry, billions of dollars and many of our most valuable assets. We are being held to ransom by a document that can no longer be translated. A document that was to unite our country and its people, built by our ancestors, both Maori and Pakeha based on the fact, we were to be one people under one flag and one law, irrespective of race colour or creed.

“He iwi tahi tatou–We are now one people”.

Since 1975 governments have breached the Treaty of Waitangi which gave tangata Maori, “The same rights as the people of England” and  Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent dated the 16 November 1840, “That separated New Zealand from New South Wales and made New Zealand into a British Colony on the 3 May 1841 with a Governor and Constitution that set up New Zealand’s political, legal and justice systems under one flag and one law, irrespective of race colour or creed. “One Law for All”!  See page 4

To add insult to injury, Maori academics have destroyed their ancestor’s once beautiful language with their “bastardised” translations of the Tiriti o Waitangi. An agreement that can no longer be translated as intended in 1840.

Tangata Maori became British Subjects, “With the same rights as the people of England” after their chiefs had signed the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840, but the government overlooks the fact, there was only, “One Law for All, English Law and under English Law, “A British Subject cannot be in Partnership or in a Relationship with the Crown”.

Governments have dishonoured the Treaty of Waitangi by twisting and omitting vital parts of our history. Government dismantled the Constitution Room at Archive New Zealand in 2017 and hid Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent in Archives Repository out of the public’s view. It then built the He Tohu Exhibition at the National Library in Wellington at a cost of $7.2 million to elevate the Tiriti o Waitangi to “An iconic constitutional document that shaped Aotearoa New Zealand”. The Treaty of Waitangi was never a constitutional document and did not shape New Zealand, it only asked tangata Maori to give up their kawanatanga/governments and in return, they would become British Subjects under one law and one flag.

The 1975 Treaty of Waitangi Act allowed Maori to have their own Tribunal where non- Maori cannot lay a claim, participate, or appeal a recommendation. New Zealand now has one law for part-Maori citizens and one law for all other New Zealand citizens which completely breaches the Tiriti o Waitangi and Queen Victoria’s 1840 Royal Charter/Letters Patent of,One Law for All”!

Governments have dismantled the Constitution Room at Archives New Zealand, have produced websites that omit vital parts of our history, funds Te Papa our National Museum, built the $7.2 million He Tohu exhibition at the National Library, Wellington, and many other publications to justify the most corrupt Act ever forced on the people of New Zealand – The 1975 Treaty of Waitangi Act and its amendments, which created the unlawful, apartheid Waitangi Tribunal destroying what our ancestors had intended and agreed to in 1840  – “ONE LAW FOR ALL”!   

The Government has no right to re-write our history!

To deliberately dismantle the Constitution Room at Archives New Zealand where Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter was on display once the One New Zealand Foundation Inc brought it to the public attention in 2014, shows how far our governments will go to hide the errors it has made since the 1975 Treaty of Waitangi Act that created the Waitangi Tribunal. This would be the most corrupt Act ever forced on the People of New Zealand by any government as it gives one group of New Zealand Citizens who can claim a minute trace of tangata Maori ancestry advantage and privilege over all other Citizens based on race and race alone! This was never the intention of the Treaty of Waitangi, which stated, “Tangata Maori would be given the same rights as the people of England”. “One Law for All”!

Below are vital parts of our history government has deliberately hidden from the public.

No mention is made of the past Head of Maori Studies at the Auckland University, Dr Ranginui Walker’s statement in the 1986 New Zealand Year Book, page 18, “The traditions are quite clear on one point, whenever crew (tangata Maori) disembarked there were already tangata whenua (prior inhabitants)”.Therefore, “tangata Maori” were not“tangata whenua”!

No mention is made of the 140 inter-tribal wars between 1806 and 1845. Ref, List of Inter-tribal Wars, by R D Crosby. Inter-tribal wars that halved the tangata Maori population.

No mention is made of Hongi Hika, Ngapuhi smuggling over 800 muskets into New Zealand when returning from England in 1820, then going on the rampage south slaughtering, eating or taking as slaves, thousands of his unarmed fellow countrymen, women and children.

No mention is made of the 13 Ngapuhi chiefs who wrote to the King of England asking him to be their guardian and protector from the southern tribes who were arming themselves for utu/revenge for Hongi Hika’s cowardly attacks.

No mention is made of the Taranaki tribes who had been driven from their lands by the Waikato, later traveling to the Chatham Islands where they slaughtered hundreds of the unarmed peace-loving Moriori, then farming them “like swine”, into virtual extinction.

No mention is made of how the government paid off the Waikato to allow the Taranaki to return to certain areas of their land, but they violated this agreement and the law came into force.

No mention is made of how Britain had to intervene in New Zealand to stop the genocide being created by Hongi Hika in the North Island and Te Rauparaha in the South Island. The 13 Ngapuhi chiefs knew New Zealand was completely out of control by 1831 and asked Britain for help.

No mention is made of Britain sending Resident James Busby to New Zealand in 1833 to try and bring peace between the warring tribes as asked for by the 13 Ngapihi chiefs in 1831.

No mention is made that James Busby could only entice 52 chiefs to sign the Declaration of Independence, then most of the chiefs that signed were at war with each other before the ink had even dried. The Declaration of Independence was a complete failure as the tangata Maori chiefs did not want to or could never form a united government. There was absolutely no political unity between the tribes of New Zealand.

No mention is made of Chief Justice Prendergast ruling in 1877, “So far indeed as that instrument (The Treaty of Waitangi) purported to cede the sovereignty it must be regarded as a ‘simple nullity’. No political body existed capable of making cession of sovereignty”.

No mention is made that New Zealand was under the jurisdiction and dependency of New South Wales, before during and after the Treaty of Waitangi was signed. There was no government in New Zealand until the 3 May 1841.

No mention is made that over 2/3 of New Zealand had been sold by the tangata Maori chiefs before the Treaty of Waitangi was signed with hundreds of Deeds still held in the New South Wales Supreme Court. See, Pre-Treaty Land Sales Registered in New South Wales Supreme Court.

No mention is made that most of this land was returned by the New Zealand government to the chiefs who sold it without compensation to the buyers.

No mention is made that the Treaty of Waitangi only asked the tangata Maori chiefs to give up their kawanatanga/governments to the Queen and in return they would become British Subjects, “With the same rights as the people of England”. Article 1 and 3.

No mention is made of a Partnership in the Treaty, just that tangata Maori would have the same rights to “their” land, “their” settlements and “their” property, the same as, “All the people of New Zealand”.  Article 2.

No mention is made that “A British Subject cannot be in Partnership with the Crown” under English Law, therefore, there was no “Partnership with the Crown” in the Treaty of Waitangi.

No mention is made that the Treaty of Waitangi was filed away after it had been signed as it had achieved its purpose by the end of 1840. Later being damaged by fire and rats.

No mention is made that the translation of the Tiriti o Waitangi has been so bastardised, a once beautiful language has been destroyed for greed.

No mention is made of the Royal Charter/Letters Patent dated the 16 November 1840 issued by, “Victoria by the Grace of God” under, “The Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland” separated New Zealand from New South Wales jurisdiction and dependency and made New Zealand into an Independent British Colony on the 3 May 1841 with a Governor and the Constitutional Charter of New Zealand with “One Law for All”!

No mention is made of the First Sitting of the Legislative Council that set up New Zealand’s political, legal and justice systems in 1841 under one flag and one law, irrespective of race colour or creed. See page 9.

No mention is made that many of the larger Treaty of Waitangi claims were heard with “full and final” settlements in the 1930/40’s through our Court system.

No mention is made that claims against the Crown can only be claims against breaches of our legal system, not the Treaty of Waitangi as the Treaty of Waitangi only asked tangata Maori to give up their kawanatanga/governments and in return, “They would become British Subjects with the same rights as the people of England under English law”. “One Law for All”!

Tangata Maori were saved by the 13 Ngapuhi chiefs asking Britain to protect them and be their guardian in 1831. They could see the utu/revenge the southern tribes were planning, now they had muskets, would end in total extinction of their people.

The Government has no right to re-write our history!

Prepared for the One New Zealand Foundation Inc by Ross Baker. 30/9/2020 ©

Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent dated the 16 November 1840


                      (From the New Zealand Government Gazette)

His Excellency the Governor, according to notice, opened the first session of the legislative council of New Zealand on the 24th May 1841. Hon. W. Shortland, Colonial Secretary, Hon. Francis Fisher, Attorney General, Hon. George Cooper, Colonial Treasurer, E. S. Halswell, Esq., one of the three senior justices, being present, received the oaths and took their seats in the Legislative Council accordingly. James Coates, Esq., was appointed Clerk of the Council, and took the oaths of office. His Excellency then delivered the following speech :— Gentlemen—I have availed myself of this early period to assemble the members of the legislative council for the purpose of bringing under consideration certain measures which the altered circumstances of the Colony seem to me urgently to require. At this our first meeting I deem it proper to draw your attention, not only to the Royal Charter, but to the highly, important instructions under the Royal Signet and Sign Manual which accompany it. The Charter, as you are already aware, erects the islands of New Zealand and certain dependencies into a separate Colony, under the Superintendence of a Governor and Commander-in-Chief. It constitutes a Legislative Council, who are empowered to enact laws and ordinances for the local government of the Colony; it authorises the establishment of Courts of Justice, and the issue of Commissions of the Peace; and, in fact, brings into complete operation British laws throughout the whole Colony of New Zealand. The instructions under the Royal Signet and Sign Manual more particularly define the functions of the Governor and Council, and in a clear and conspicuous manner point out the duties of each. In order that you, gentlemen, may have an opportunity of acquainting yourselves with those particular duties, I have directed the instructions to be laid on the table, and kept open for your perusal in the Council Chamber. I regret that I cannot at the present meeting lay before you the Estimates of the ensuing year, which, although in a forward state of preparation, are in-complete, owing to the non-arrival of directions from the Lords of the Treasury, of which I am advised, and which may be daily expected. I shall lay before you an ordinance for the present re-adoption of all such acts of New South Wales as were in force previous to our separation and are now applicable to this colony. It is not my intention, however, eventually to propose for your adoption the laws of New South Wales, but it will be my endeavour, during the recess, aided by the advice and assistance of the Law Officers of the Crown, to prepare for your consideration such laws as will best provide for the administration of justice, and the contingencies of social life, which may be expected to arise in New Zealand ; therefore the measures now proposed to you must be deemed temporary and contingent, as re-sulting from the present peculiar condition of the Colony. By Command of Her Majesty I will bring under your consideration the repeal of the Land Commission Act, and submit for your adoption an ordinance for the same general purposes, but grant-ing to the Governor of New Zealand the same powers as those heretofore enjoyed by the Governor of New South Wales. I will likewise lay before you Bills for the regulation and collection of the revenue of Her Majesty’s Customs, for establishing courts of quarter sessions and requests, and for the prohibition of distillation. These, gentlemen, are the only subjects for the present on which I shall require you to deliberate. We have, gentlemen, a solemn and important duty to perform ; by our means conflicting interests are to be reconciled ; harmony and tranquility established, and measures are to be adopted for improving the condition and elevating the character of the aboriginal inhabitants. In this salutary work I confidently look for your cordial assistance and co-operation, and I trust under Divine Providence we shall be enabled to accomplishi these important objects, and to give effect to Her Majesty’s Gracious and benign views for the welfare, prosperity, and civilisation of this Colony. Alter laying on the table the Indemnity Bill, the Governor adjourned the Council until Thursday, the 27th May 1841.

New Zealand. Anno quarto Victoriæ Reginæ. No. 1. An Ordinance to declare that the laws of New South Wales, so far as they can be made applicable, shall extend to, and be in force in, Her Majesty’s Colony of New Zealand from and subsequent to the   date of Her Majesty’s Royal Charter and Letters Patent, erecting into a separate Colony the Islands of New Zealand, and to indemnify the Lieutenant Governor and other officers thereof for certain Acts done and performed between the date of the said Royal Charter and Letters Patent and the day of passing this ordinance. Whereas by an Act of the Governor and Legislative Council of New South Wales, made and passed in the third year of the reign of Her present Majesty, entituled ” An Act to declare that the Laws of New South Wales extend to Her Majesty’s Dominions in the Islands of New Zealand, and to apply the same, as far as applicable, in the administration of justice therein, and to indemnify certain Officers for Acts already done.” After reciting that Her Majesty had been pleased to annex Her Majesty’s Dominions of New Zealand to the Government of New South Wales, it is enacted that all Laws and Acts or Ordinances of the Governor and Legislative Council of New South Wales, which then were, or thereafter might be, in force within the said Colony shouldextend to and be applied in the administration of justice within Her Majesty’s Dominions in the said Islands of New Zealand, so far as they could be applied therein. And whereas, under and by virtue of an Act of Parliament made and passed in the fourth year of Her said Majesty’s Reign, entituled, ” An Act to continue until the thirty-first day of December, one thousand eight hundred and forty-one, and to the end of the then next ensuing Session of Parliament, the Provisions of any Act to provide for the Administration of Justice in New South Wales and Van Diemen’s Land, and for the more effectual Government thereof, and for other purposes relative thereto,” Her Majesty did, by Her Royal Charter and Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, bearing date at Westminster the sixteenth day of November, one thousand eight hundred and forty, erect into a separate Colony the Islands of New Zealand, theretofore comprised within or dependencies of the Colony of New South Wales, with all other islands lying between certain latitude and longitude therein mentioned. And did further provide that from thenceforth the said islands should be known anddesignated as the “Colony of New Zealand.” And whereas, by Her said Royal Charter and Letters Patent, Her Majesty did constitute a Legislative Council for the said Colony of New Zealand, with full power and authority to make and ordain all such Laws and Ordinances as might be required for the peace, order, and good Government of the said Colony. And whereas it is expedient, until all such Laws  and Ordinances can be well considered and ordained, that all such Laws, Acts, and Ordinances of New South Wales as are applicable to the Colony of New Zealand should continue to be acted upon and be applied therein. And, in order to remove any doubt which may exist whether the said Laws, Acts, or Ordinances of the said Governor and Legislative Council of New South Wales are and continue in force within the said Colony of New Zealand from and subsequent to the date and proclamation of such Her Majesty’s Royal Charter and Letters Patent.

  1. Be it therefore enacted and ordained by his Excellency the Governor in and over the Colony of New Zealand, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, that so much of all and every of the Laws, Acts, and Ordinances heretofore made by the Governor and Legislative Council of New South Wales, and now in force therein, as have already been, and can hereafter during the continuance of this Ordinance be, applied within the said Colony of New Zealand shall be, and the same are hereby, adopted and declared and directed to be extended to and applied in the Administration of Justice in the said Colony of New Zealand, in the like manner as all other the Laws of England, and as if the same had been repeated and re-enacted in this Ordinance. And whereas doubts may arise as to the validity of Acts done and performed in the said Colony of New Zealand since the date of her said Majesty’s Royal Charter and Letters Patent by his Excellency as the Lieutenant Governor of the same, and byJustices of the Peace, Officers of the Customs, Constables, and other officers, under and by virtue of the said in part recited Act of the Governor and Legislative Council of New South Wales ; for the removal
  2. Be it therefore further enacted that the said Lieutenant Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, and all Justices of the Peace, Officers of the Customs, Constables, and other officers, and all persons whom- soever therein who may have acted under and by virtue of any commission or appointment of her Majesty, or of the governor of New South Wales, or of the said lieutenant governor of the said colony of New Zealand, or under any orders and directions of the same Llieutenant Governor, or of his Excellency the Governor, since his assuming the Government of the said Colony of New Zealand, previous and up to the passing of this Ordinance, shall be, and they, and each and every one of them, are hereby indemnified against, and freed and discharged from, all damages, penalties, and forfeitures to which they, or any one of them, may have heretofore, or may nowotherwise be liable for any act so done or performed.
  3. And be it further enacted that no act done or performed by any such officer or other person aforesaid, shall be questioned or avoided in any Court of Law, by reason of any supposed want of power and authority, and that all such acts so done and performed shall be, and they are declared to be, as valid and effectual in Law, to all intents and purposes, as if each of such officers and persons aforesaid had done and performed such acts within and under, or by virtue of, any Law or Statute of the Parliament of Great Britain and Ireland.

And be it further enacted and ordained that in all or any of the said Acts of the Governor and Legislative Council of New South Wales, which shall under and by virtue of this ordinance be brought into operation, and extended to and applied to the said Colony of New Zealand, whenever the words ” Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, Governor, Justice, or Justices of the Peace, or Government Gazette, of New South Wales,” are used in such Act or Acts, the same words shall be construed to mean, and shall include and extend to ” the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council of New Zealand,” or “Governor for the time being,” or ” all or any Justices or Justice of the Peace, and to the Government Gazette of the said Colony of New Zealand;” and that all words or expressions referring, and having relation, to New South Wales shall be, and the same are hereby directed to be, applied and construed to extend to the said Colony of New Zealand. WILLIAM HOBSON, Governor.   Passed the legislative council this 3rd day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-one.

JAMES COATES, Clerk of Councils


Charter of 1840. Constitution of the Colony of New Zealand into a separate colony 16 November 1840

Supplied by the Chief Archivist, Archives New Zealand

Change of Secretary and Postal Address


Due to the sad loss of our Secretary, Graham Buchan due to illness, our Treasure Ian Brougham has agreed to fill both positions as Secretary and Treasurer.

Ian has also taken over as the second signature to signing our cheques with Chairman Ross Baker. Both signatures must appear on all cheques.

Our new postal address is, 12 Magnolia Crescent, Wanganui 4501.


It was very sad to lose Graham as he has been a very active member since the Foundation was formed in 1988. He will be sadly missed by his family and friends and all members of the One New Zealand Foundation Inc.

Disgusting Government Propaganda to Brainwash our Young School Children!

Disgusting Government Propaganda to Brainwash our Young School Children!


Prepared by: One New Zealand Foundation Inc. Email: 

This comic book below for schools is funded by Government would be the most disgusting government propaganda the One New Zealand Foundation Inc. has ever seen by any government. While the $6.5 million Treaty 2 U Exhibition was bad enough, where school children were bused in from schools to be misled about the Treaty of Waitangi and our true history, this comic book places this propaganda in a form based solely for our young children.

While we have seen selective history published previously by governments, we have never seen such a deliberate attempt to brainwash our young school children of their true history.

We have asked the Prime Minister for answers to the following questions.


  1. Why is there no mention of the tangata whenua, the first inhabitants of New Zealand? The people who signed the Tiriti o Waitangi were tangata Maori, not tangata whenua.
  2. Why is there no mention of Hongi Hika and his followers travelling south where they cowardly massacred an estimated 30,000 unarmed men, women and children for the fun of it after he had returned from England in 1820 with over 500 muskets?
  3. Why is there no mention that the tangata Maori chiefs had sold over 2/3 New Zealand before the Tiriti o Waitangi was signed with many of the Deeds of Sale still held in the New South Wales Supreme Court? Most of this land was returned to the tangata Maori chiefs by government without compensation to the buyers
  4. Why is there no mention that the Declaration of Independence was a complete failure as the signatories were at war with each other before the ink had even dried and they never held one meeting to ratify the Declaration?
  5. Why is there no mention that tangata Maori gave up there kawanatanga/governments, not kingitanga/sovereignty to the Queen in the Tiriti o Waitangi?
  6. Why is there no mention that Britain gained sovereignty over New Zealand by the Law of Nations before the Tiriti o Waitangi was signed?
  7. Why is there no mention of tangata Maori becoming British subjects in the Tiriti o Waitangi with, “The same rights as the people of England”? No more – no less!
  8. Why is there no mention that a British subject cannot be in, “Partnership with the Crown”?
  9. Why is there no mention of the death toll of hundreds of innocent settlers and friendly Maori at the hands of the “rebel” tribes between 1847-1879?
  10. Why is there no mention that New Zealand was under the dependency of New South Wales when the Tiriti o Waitangi was signed? Sir George Gipps was Governor of New Zealand with William Hobson his Lt. Governor of New Zealand.
  11. Why is there no mention Lt. Governor Hobson only made and authorised one version of the Treaty of Waitangi – Te Tirit o Waitangi that was signed on the 6 February 1840.
  12. Why is it stated there are only 3 Articles to the Tiriti o Waitangi when there are 5 parts? The Preamble, while omitted, being the most important part as it explained the reason for the Tiriti o Waitangi.
  13. Why is there no mention the chiefs at Waitangi could not wait until the 7 February to sign the Tiriti as arranged by Lt Governor Hobson and signed it on the 6 February 1840 as they saw it was to their advantage if they were to survive?
  14. Why is there no mention made that many of the claims by Maori were “full and finally” settled or “rejected” in 1930/40.
  15. Why is there no mention of Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent dated the 16 November 1840, “Our true Founding Document and first Constitution”? The Royal Charter separated New Zealand from New South Wales and made New Zealand into a British colony with a Governor and Constitution that set up our political, legal and justice systems under one flag and one law, irrespective of race, colour or creed. The Royal Charter of 1840 was issued by, “Victoria by the Grace of God” under, “The Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland”. The Tiriti o Waitangi was not!
  16. Why is there no mention of Chief Justice, Sir James Prendergast’s ruling in 1877, “So far indeed as that instrument (The Treaty of Waitangi) purported to cede sovereignty, it must be regarded as a ‘simple nullity’.No political body existed capable of making cession of sovereignty”. This ruling has never been over-ruled. Britain gained sovereignty over New Zealand by the Law of Nations before the Tiriti o Waitangi was signed.
  17. Why are these people, especially Dame Claudia Orange who should know better after misleading the people about the “Littlewood Treaty”, now misleading our young school children about the Treaty of Waitangi, encouraged/funded by the Ministry of Education/Government?

Prime Minister, this is the most disgusting government funded propaganda by any government. For a government to brainwash our young school children with this type propaganda is a disgrace.

Yes, the British had to make some tough decisions between 1820 and 1875 to bring peace between the “rebel” tribes of New Zealand. Hongi Hika had slaughtered an estimated 30,000 defenceless men, women and children and the southern tribes were arming themselves for utu/revenge against Ngapuhi, the reason the 13 chiefs writing to the King in 1831 for protection. Te Rauparaha had virtually depopulated the South Island by 1840 with Waikato driving the Taranaki tribes south before Taranaki travelled to the Chatham Island and either killed or farmed the peace-loving Morori “like swine” into virtual extinction.

Britain had to honour the commitment she had made in 1831 to protect the tangata Maori and be their guardian and did this without question with very few lives lost compared with the loss of life before the Tiriti o Waitangi with most of New Zealand being sold by the chiefs before the Tiriti o Waitangi was signed, but later returned to tangata Maori without compensation to the buyers.

There is no denying, tangata Maori would have been long gone if it had not been for British intervention, but this comic book shows how corrupt governments have become by publishing a children’s comic book so full of lies!

When will government come to its senses and realise that the majority of Maori today descend from the people they are claiming against and not the tangata Maori who signed the Tiriti o Waitangi in 1840. As a past Race Relations Conciliator, Mr John Clark stated in 1993, “Maori today are a people with Maori ancestry as one sees in legislation”.

This comic book must be removed from all schools and bookshops immediately, it is corrupt Prime Minister, it is a disgrace to our ancestors both tangata Maori and Pakeha who fought to save a race of people determined to wipe themselves off the face of the earth when the truth is known.

The truth is filed in the New Zealand and Australian Archives and the British Parliamentary Papers if one bothers to look, something the authors of this comic book failed to do!

Unfortunately, Government dismantled the Constitution Room at Archives New Zealand in 2017 and hid our true historical documents held in the Constitution Room in Archives Repository where they must be ordered to research, that is, if future researchers know they exist.

The only documents on public display now in the new $7.2 million He Tohu Exhibition at the National Library, Wellington are the failed Declaration of Independence and the Treaty of Waitangi that had served its purpose by May 1840 and was filed away before our true Founding Document and first Constitution, Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent dated the 16 November 1840 made New Zealand into a British Colony with a Governor and Constitution that set up our political, legal and justice systems under one flag and one law, irrespective of race, colour or creed.

It is stated at the He Tohu Exhibition, the Declaration of Independence and Treaty of Waitangi are, “Iconic constitutional documents that shaped Aotearoa New Zealand”, when in fact, the Declaration of Independence was a complete failure and the Treaty of Waitangi ask tangata Maori to give up their kawanatanga/governments and in return they would be made British subjects, “With the same rights as the people of England”.  No more – no less!


In fact, the Declaration of Independence and the Treaty of Waitangi did absolutely nothing for New Zealand, it only gave tangata Maori the greatest gift ever, Subjects of the greatest Nation in the world, Great Britain under one flag and one law without lifting a finger!

This comic book was written by Ross Calman, Mark Derby and Toby Morris with the help of Dame Claudia Orange – Enough said!

Has the Governor General Committed Treason 9 Feb. 2020

Has the Governor General Committed Treason?

Prepared by Ross Baker, Researcher, One New Zealand Foundation Inc. (C) 5/2/2020


Governor General Dame Patsy Reddy stated on Newshub, 3/2/20, “The proposal to change New Zealand’s name is quite good because it acknowledges that there are two partners to the Treaty. From this statement, Governor General, Dame Patsy Reddy is no more than, “A puppet on a string” to one small group of New Zealand Citizens – namely those who can claim a minute trace of tangata Maori ancestry.

When the failed Declaration of Independence was signed in 1835 by 35 tangata Maori chiefs and the Tiriti o Waitangi was signed in 1840 by the 512 tangata Maori chiefs, New Zealand was called, Nu Tirani. This was accepted by all those who signed both documents without objection.

But our “Puppet on a string” Governor General, Dame Patsy Reddy is happy to completely overlook this documented historical fact and rename New Zealand, “Aotearoa” without even stating where this word originated!

While this is bad enough, she then goes on to say, “That there are two partners to the Treaty”. Where the hell, did she get this because there is definitely no mention of “A Partnership between Maori and the Crownin the Treaty of Waitangi.

Tangata Maori had given up their kawanatanga/governments to the Queen in the Treaty of Waitangi and in return, the Queen had made tangata Maori British Subjects with, “The same rights as the people of England”. New Zealand was under the dependency of New South Wales until the 3 May 1841 when New Zealand became a British Colony.


A British Subject cannot be in Partnership with the Crown. 


Once the majority of tangata Maori chiefs, (512) had signed the Tiriti o Waitangi, including 26 of those who had signed the failed Declaration of Independence, the Tiriti o Waitangi was filed away as it had served its purpose and was of no further use. Later being damaged by rats and fire when the storage shed caught fire.


There was no mention of, “A Partnership between Maori and the Crown” in the Tiriti o Waitangi dated the 6 February 1840!


As Chief Justice Sir James Prendergast ruled in 1877, “So far indeed as that instrument (The Treaty of Waitangi)purported to cede sovereignty, it must be regarded as a ‘simple nullity’. No political body existed capable of making cession of sovereignty”. This ruling has never been over-ruled. Britain gained sovereignty over New Zealand by the Law of Nations before the Tiriti o Waitangi was signed.


A couple of months after the Tiriti o Waitangi had been signed and filed away, a Royal Charter/Letters Patent was issued on the 16 November 1840 by, “Victoria by the Grace of God” under, “The Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland’”. The Royal Charter/Letters Patent separated New Zealand from New South Wales dependency and made New Zealand into a British Colony on the 3 May 1841 with a Governor, Governor Hobson and a Constitution that set up New Zealand’s political, legal and justice systems under one flag and one law, irrespective of race, colour or creed..


There was no mention of, “A Partnership between Maori and the Crown” in Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent dated the 16 November 1840!


It seems Governor General Dame Pasty Reddy either has no idea of Queen Victoria’s 1840 Royal Charter/Letters Patent or is deliberately misleading the public to give today’s Maori special rights and privileges never intended in the Tiriti o Waitangi or Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent of 1840?


There is no mention of “Partnership between Maori and the Crown” in the Treaty of Waitangi or Queen Victoria’s 1840 Royal Charter. We were all to be treated the same under one flag and one law, irrespective of race colour or creed!


If Governor General Dame Patsy Reddy is not going to honour, “The Royal Charter of dated the 16 November 1840” issued by, “Victoria by the Grace of God” under, “The Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland”, then we believe this can only be taken as “Treason” against our Head of State, Queen Elizabeth II.


This is not the first time a New Zealand Governor General has become involved in treason. In 1990 Governor General, Rev. Sir Paul Reeves hinted on an ABC TV programme “Four Corners”, he would join Maori leader in violence or even civil war if the government failed to address “injustices” under the Treaty of Waitangi.


The Governor General of New Zealand represents New Zealand’s Head of State, Queen Elizabeth II and must be non-partisan and not involved in the business of government. From the above, we believe, both Governor General’s, Reeves and Reddy have become involved in helping to overthrow the sovereignty or government of New Zealand.


Treason – The crime of betraying one’s country, especially by attempting to kill or overthrow the sovereign or government.


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