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Nine million people will be misinformed by Te Papa.


Nine million people will be misinformed by Te Papa.


From: Ross Baker

Sent: Friday, June 10, 2016 1:57 AM

To: Arapata Hakiwai


Subject: Re: Redevelop of Treaty of Waitangi Exhibition.


Dr Arapata Hakiwai,

CEO Te Papa.

Dear Sir,


Thank you for your email below explaining that Te Papa will be renewing all of it permanent exhibitions, including the Treaty of Waitangi over the next 5 – 6 years. This will mean that between 7.5 and 9 million people (2015 figures) will be misinformed of New Zealand’s “true” history.


As I explained in my email below, “

Research shows the Treaty of Waitangi only gave, Great Britain sovereignty over all the Islands of New Zealand under the dependency and laws of New South Wales and tangata Maori the same rights as the people of England”, but Te Papa exhibits the Treaty of Waitangi  as our “Founding Document. The attached articles explains the purpose of the Treaty of Waitangi and how New Zealand’s true Founding Document and first Constitution was Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent dated the 16 November 1840 but this is completely ignored by Te Papa in favour of the Treaty of Waitangi”.


From the email below dated the 9 July, 2014, Clair McClintock, Te Papa wrote, “I assure you that we are well aware of the Royal Charter which separated New Zealand from New South Wales jurisdiction and established the country as independent under a Governor”.


Sir, it is of great concern to the One New Zealand Foundation Inc. and I am sure most New Zealanders that while Te Papa is fully aware of Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent, it fails to inform the 1.5 million people a year that pass through Te Papa of its existence.


As you can see I have also forwarded this email on to the Minister of Arts, Culture and Heritage, Hon Maggie Barry, as I believe she has a right to know Te Papa has failed to inform the people that visit Te Papa each year of New Zealand’s most important document that separated New Zealand from New South Wales dependency and became a independent British Colony with its own Governor and Constitution to form a legal government to make laws with Courts and Judges to enforce those laws, irrespective of race colour or creed.


I have again attached a copy of our book, “New Zealand’s Forbidden History” and  “Treaty of Waitangi – RIP” I have previously sent to Te Papa for the Minister’s information.


We ask that Te Papa immediately renews its Treaty of Waitangi exhibition and gives Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent dated the 16 November1840 its true place in our history before another 1.5 million people a year are misinformed of New Zealand’s “true” history.


Yours sincerely,



Ross Baker.


Researcher, One New Zealand Foundation Inc.


cc, Hon Maggie Barry, Minister of Arts, Culture and Heritage.


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