New Head Still Misleads Visitors!

—–Original Message—– From: Ross Baker
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2016 2:17 PM
To: Loraine Milne ;
Cc: Colourblind State Discussion Group ; 1law4all ;
Subject: Re: Te Papa misleads its 1.5 million visitors a year.

Dr Bronwyn Labrum,
Head of New Zealand and Pacific Cultures, Museum of New Zealand,
Te Papa.

Dear Bronwyn,

Re: Te Papa misleads its 1.5 million visitors.

Once again I see you have asked one of your staff to reply to our email
below stating our request is “frivolous and vexatious”, therefore, refused
to answer it under section 18(h) of the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA).

The One New Zealand Foundation’s research shows Queen Victoria’s Royal
Charter/Letters Patent dated the 16 November 1840 separated New Zealand from
New South Wales on the the 3 May 1841 and made New Zealand into a
independent British Colony with its own Governor and Constitution to form a
government to make laws with courts and judges to enforce those laws,
irrespective of race, colour or creed. See attached “12 Reasons”.

As Te Papa ignores this vital document from its displays, then it cannot be
“frivolous or vexatious”, it can only be a deliberate omission to mislead
its 1.5 million visitors per year of New Zealand’s true history.

The One New Zealand Foundation Inc. believes it’s time you stopped hiding
behind your staff and came out of hiding and told the people of New Zealand
why you deliberately ignore this vital part of our history.

Te Papa under your direction and funded by the taxpayers of New Zealand has
no right to deliberately keep this vital part of our history from its 1.5
million visitors per year.


Ross Baker.

Researcher, One New Zealand Foundation Inc.

P.S. These emails will continue to appear on our website,

—–Original Message—– From: Loraine Milne
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2016 10:15 AM
To: Ross Baker
Subject: RE: Te Papa misleads its 1.5 million visitors a year.

Dear Mr Baker

With regards to your correspondence that Te Papa misleads its 1.5 million

I can assure you that Dr Bronwyn Labrum was, in addition to other subject
matter experts, fully consulted when responding to you.

Following a full review of correspondence with you, your request is now
deemed by Te Papa as “frivolous and vexatious”, and is refused under section
18(h) of the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA).  Te Papa has reached this
conclusion on the basis that your request ‘When will Te Papa stop misleading
its visitors and tell our true history and not just that which Te Papa and
the government wants the people to know’ has been answered previously by Te
Papa.  It is the view of Te Papa that the information you have requested is
substantially the same information that has already been provided to you on
more than on occasion, and there is no further information on the subject
which can be provided.

Te Papa continues to deliver its services in accordance with the Museum of
Te Papa Tongarewa Act 1992 and all New Zealand legislation.

You have the right, under section 28(3) of the OIA, to ask an Ombudsman to
review my response to your request.

Kind regards.

Loraine Milne
Senior Advisor Planning and Performance



 New Head Still Misleads Visitors!

From: Ross Baker

Sent: Monday, September 5, 2016 3:25 PM


Subject: Re: Official Information Act Request – Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent.


Dr Bronwyn Labrum,

Head of New Zealand and Pacific Cultures,

Museum of New Zealand,

Te Papa.


Dear Bronwyn,


Re: Te Papa misleads its 1.5 million visitors.


First I would like to congratulate you on becoming Head of New Zealand and Pacific Affairs at the the Museum of New Zealand, Te Papa.


Over the last few years the One New Zealand Foundation Inc. has been writing to Te Papa in regard to the omission of any reference to Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent dated the 16 November 1840.


We have been told Te Papa may include the Royal Charter when it updates its Treaty of Waitangi exhibit in a few years’ time.


This will mean, Te Papa will continue to mislead its 1.5 million visitors a year by ignoring one of the most important documents in our history.  See attached, “12 Reasons why the Royal Charter is our Founding Document”.


Hopefully, you will not continue this tread as your predecessor by continue to mislead Te Papa’s 1.5 million visitors per year, Te Papa’s Treaty exhibits must be updated immediately.


The people of New Zealand and the visitors that visit Te Papa have a right to know how New Zealand separated from New South Wales in 1841 and became a British Colony with its own Governor and Constitution to form a government to make laws with courts and judges to enforce those laws, irrespective of race, colour or creed but under the watchful eye of Great Britain.


The Treaty of Waitangi only gave Britain sovereignty over all the islands of New Zealand and tangata Maori the same rights as the people of England. No more – No less. See Attached, “Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent”.


The One New Zealand Foundation asks the Head of New Zealand and Pacific Affairs at the the Museum of New Zealand, Te Papa, Dr Bronwyn Labrum under the Official Information Act,


When will Te Papa stop misleading its visitors and tell our true history and not just that which Te Papa and the government wants the people to know”.


Yours sincerely,


Ross Baker,

Researcher, One New Zealand Foundation Inc.




1 October 2016.


Dr Bronwyn Labrum,

Head of New Zealand and Pacific Cultures,

Museum of New Zealand,

Te Papa.


Dear Bronwyn,


Re: Te Papa misleads its 1.5 million visitors.


I am extremely disappointed to see you had your Planning and Performance Senior Advisor, Loraine Milne reply by unsigned letter on your behalf to the ONZF’s Official Information Act request dated the 5 September 2016  re;  “Te Papa misleads its 1.5 million visitors”.  Copy of letter below.


Loraine Milne states in her letter, “The museum has no plans to redevelops its Treaty of Waitangi exhibition in the short term, although a renewal of the museum in the coming years may eventually see changes to that area”.  Copy of letter attached.


This means that Te Papa will continue to mislead its 1.5 million visitors per year for many years to come.


She also states, “As a museum appealing to a broad international audience of all ages, Te Papa must necessary choose which aspects of our history are covered in each display”.


Te Papa does not have the right, “To choose which aspects of our history are covered in each display”. A museum it there to tell the facts, not to select parts of history that suits its staff’s hidden agendas.


Finally she states, “It is appropriate that decisions of how to portray New Zealand’s history are made by Te Papa’s history curators”.


Te Papa’s history curators have no right of how to portray New Zealand’s history. They are paid by the taxpayers to portray New Zealand true history and this means exhibiting Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent dated the 16 November 1840 that separated New Zealand from New South Wales dependency on the 3 may 1841 and made New Zealand into a British Colony with its own Governor and Constitution to form a government to make laws with courts and judged to enforce those laws, irrespective of race, colour or creed but under the watchful eye of Great Britain. See attached, “12 Reasons”.


How would a broad international audience of all ages understand how New Zealand became a British Colony when Te Papa omits this vital part of our history? The Treaty of Waitangi definitely did not do it!


From previous letters, Te Papa does not even have a copy of Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent dated the 16 November 1840, which is held in the Constitution Room at Archives New Zealand!


It seems your Planning and Performance Senior Advisor, Loraine Milne and the history curators at Te Papa either do not know New Zealand’s true history, therefore must be replaced immediately with people that do know our true history or they are part of a group of people at Te Papa with a hidden agenda to mislead over 1.5 million people of all ages that visit Te Papa each year for their own gain.


I had hoped you would sort out the corruption that has occurred at Te Papa for far too long, but from you Senior Advisor, it seems you are quite happy to let it continue.


I ask that you respond personally to this email and our Official Information Act request below as we do not trust those that have replied on your behalf or previously on your predecessor’s behalf.


Yours sincerely,


Ross Baker.


Researcher, One New Zealand Foundation Inc.


  1. To other interested parties.