National Must Admit its Errors and Promise to Correct Them!

Over the last 47 years, the National Party has destroyed New Zealand’s democracy because of their lack of knowledge of New Zealand’s true history that is fully documented in New Zealand, Australian and American Archives, plus the British Parliamentary Papers. They have used the Treaty of Waitangi to pass Acts when the Treaty of Waitangi was only an agreement between Queen Victoria and the tangata Maori. At the time the Treaty of Waitangi was signed, New Zealand was under the jurisdiction of New South Wales. Once signed, it was filed away and superseded by Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent dated the 16 November 1840.


The following are acts by the National Party that destroyed New Zealand’s democracy based on the Treaty of Waitangi. If National is to regain power, they must admit to these errors and promise to correct them once in power.   


New Zealand was a happy democratic country, except for a few disgruntled part-Maori until the National Government enacted the 1975 Waitangi of Waitangi Act. This Act created the Waitangi Tribunal based on a twisted version of the Treaty of Waitangi. It was funded by government and only part-Maori were allowed to lodge a claim. No-Maori could not participate, lay a claim, or appeal a decision by the Tribunal, which in just about every case, was accepted by the Government.     

This Act by the National Party turned New Zealand into one of the most undemocratic, racist countries in the world today!


The Labour Government rejected signing the Declaration on the Rights of the Indigenous People based on advice from the Crown Law Office in 2007, but the National Party stood by and let their Leader, John Key send Pita Sharples to New York on 19 April 2010 to sign the Declaration in secret and without advice from the Crown Law Office, a mandate from Parliament or a definition of the indigenous people of New Zealand. Is this Law?

What any man, whoever he may be, orders on his own, is not law“. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, book 11, Chapter 1, Treatise of Social Contract, 1763.

In September 2007, 143 countries voted in favour of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples at the United Nations. New Zealand was one of four countries that voted against the Declaration. The Declaration was deemed so radical that Labour Prime Minister Helen Clark refused to sign it. The advice from Crown Law was, that four provisions were fundamentally incompatible with New Zealand’s constitutional and legal arrangements. 

Government does not have forensic evidence or a definition of who are the indigenous people or tangata whenua of New Zealand, but Hon John Key went ahead and signed it!    Maori are now using the Declaration on the Rights of the Indigenous People to force the Labour Government to accept they have rights above and beyond other New Zealand Citizens. 


Hon John Key signing the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous people single handed, allowed Maori to twist the Treaty of Waitangi to allow, “A Partnership between Maori and the Crown” and in the future, “Co-governance with New Zealand’s democratically elected Government” (He Puapua). 

How wrong Hon John Key was when he said after Sharples had signed the Declaration on the Rights of the Indigenous People, “Signing this declaration is basically of little importance and non-binding”, but one wonders why he went to such lengths to make sure the country did not know what he was doing until it was too late!  

The National Party must be held responsible for He Puapua and condemn its Leader, Hon John Key for the devastating consequences the Declaration on the Rights of the Indigenous People will/is having on New Zealand and its People! 

Ministerial Statements on UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

HON RODNEY HIDE: (Act Party Leader)

The ACT Party is both shocked and appalled to find itself supporting a government that has covertly given recognition to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People. The declaration asserts that Māori have rights and privileges not enjoyed by other New Zealanders. The declaration is the very antithesis of ACT’s policy of one law for all New Zealanders. It is the antithesis of the policy that we should have one law regardless of people’s religion, their race, the colour of their skin, their ethnicity, their culture, or indeed their degree of indigeneity. The declaration is divisive and is a further step for New Zealand down the path towards being a divided nation. The declaration clearly splits New Zealand into two rather than bringing New Zealand together as one.

The UN declaration sets us up to enable foreigners from the UN to come to New Zealand to pontificate and to criticise New Zealand’s race relations, policies, laws, and processes. For these and for other reasons the former Prime Minister, Helen Clark, refused to ratify the declaration. At the time, the Hon Parekura Horomia said that the declaration was incompatible with New Zealand’s laws and democratic processes and that it ignored reality and would be difficult to implement. Helen Clark and Parekura Horomia were both right.

I am very disappointed that the Prime Minister, John Key, has covertly foisted the declaration on New Zealand, and I consider the statement that the recognition of this declaration has no practical effect to be naive in the extreme. 

Hon JIM ANDERTON (Progressive Party Leader) 

Well, which meaning did the Government sign up to? Did it not know? Has the Government read it? Does it know what it means? The answer to all those questions is no. It has nothing to do with it. It is to do with the deal between National and the Māori Party to get the Māori Party to run alongside and support the Government.

Hon Phil Goff (Leader Labour Party)

The declaration was signed in secrecy when Dr Sharples had “sneaked off” to New York. New Zealanders should have been told first that this was the intention of the Government, they should not have been told afterwards. There was a conflict between Dr Sharples’ view of the declaration and the Government’s position about it not making any practical difference. Labour had opposed the declaration which had unrealistic goals such as returning all land back to indigenous people. Mr Goff could not see the point in signing up to a declaration that the Government did not intend to fulfil. Why would you sign up to something you never intended to act on, and you don’t actually believe in. They are signing up to something they don’t believe in and never intend to implement.

The question that must be asked, “Was it legal for Hon John Key to sign the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples single handed and without advice from the Crown Law Office, a mandate from Parliament and without a definition of the Indigenous people of New Zealand”? The ONZF believed it was not!


While the National Government never intended for the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous people to be used, part-Māori grabbed it with both hands with Prime Minister, Hon Jacinda Ardern falling over herself to support it!  


On the 17 April 2017, the National Government allowed Archives New Zealand to dismantle the Constitution Room at Archives New Zealand and hide our true Founding Documents (Queen Victoria’s 1839 and 1840 Royal Charters/Letters Patent) from the People of New Zealand in Archive repository amongst the other 6 million documents. In fact, if the public or future researchers want to view these documents, they must now be ordered, that is, if they know they exist. Do you! 

The National Government then spent $7.2 million of taxpayer’s money to build the He Tohu Exhibition to mislead the people, stating, “The Declaration of Independence and the Treaty of Waitangi are Iconic constitutional documents that shaped Aotearoa New Zealand”. The Declaration of Independence was a complete failure and the Treaty of Waitangi only referred to the tangata Maori making them British Subjects with, “The same rights as the people of England if they gave up their governments to the Queen”. The Treaty of Waitangi could not be New Zealand’s true Founding Document as it only referred to the tangata Maori and founded very little, if anything, compared with Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent date the 16 November 1840 that made New Zealand a British Colony under one flag and one law, irrespective of race colour or creed.                                                                                      


In 2022 the National Party added the Treaty of Waitangi to its Constitution as our Founding Document. From this it is obvious the National Party has no idea of New Zealand’s true history as the Treaty of Waitangi had nothing to do with founding New Zealand. It was only an agreement between Queen Victoria and the tanga Maori to give up their kawanatanga/government to the Queen and in return, they would become British Subjects with the same rights as the people of England. The Treaty of Waitangi was signed when New Zealand was under the jurisdiction of New South Wales and when signed, was filed away as it had achieved its purpose. The Treaty of Waitangi was then superseded by Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent dated16 November 1840, our true Founding Document and first Constitution.              

For the National Party to be trusted again to run the country, it must force the Government to hold an inquiry into the 1975 Treaty of Waitangi Act and allowing Hon John Key to allow the Hon Pita Sharples to travel to the United Nations in secret, to sign the Declaration on the Rights of the Indigenous People. The Māori’s ancestors were not indigenous to New Zealand.

The National Party must promise the following if it is to regain power!

  1. Promise to admit its errors as above.
  2. Promise to correct its errors as above.
  3. Promise to remove the Treaty of Waitangi from its Constitution.
  4. Promise to include Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter in its Constitution.
  5. Promise to recognise the 1840 Royal Charter as of Founding Document.
  6. Promise to remove the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People.
  7. Promise to return democracy to New Zealand.
  8. Promise to treat all New Zealanders the same.
  9. Promise to remove the part-Maori seats from Parliament.   
  10. Promise to abolish the Waitangi Tribunal.
  11. Promise to abolish any laws solely for part-Maori.
  12. Promise to remove Aotearoa from the name for New Zealand.
  13. Promise to abolish “He Puapua”.
  14. Promise to abolish “Three Waters”.
  15. Promise to abolish “The Partnership between Maori and the Crown’.
  16. Promise to include the Queen Victoria’s 1840 Royal Charter in “He Tohu” as our true Founding Document and first Constitution.

Prepared by Ross Baker, Researcher, the One New Zealand Foundation Inc.  (Copyright.) 20/7/2021.

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