Minister must act immediately

Andrew Ketels,

Ministerial Advisor,

Office of Hon Maggie Barry ONZM,

Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage.



Dear Sir,


Re: Te Papa misleading the public.


Thank you for transferring our OIA request to the Ministry of Culture and Heritage.


I have since received a reply from Mr Ralph Johnston, Manager Heritage Policy and am extremely concerned, “Te Papa has no plans to redevelop its Treaty of Waitangi exhibition in the short term, although a renewal of the museum in the coming years may see changes to that area”.

This means that over 1.5 million visitors to Te Papa per year will continue to to be denied a vital part of New Zealand’s history by Te Papa.

The Treaty of Watangi gave Britain sovereignty over all the islands of New Zealand and tangata Maori the same rights as the people of New Zealand under the laws and dependency of New South Wales for only 12 months ( 21 May 1840 until 3 May 1841) when Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter dated the 16 November 1840 separated New Zealand from New South Wales and made New Zealand into an independent British Colony on the 3 May 1841 with its own Governor and Constitution to form a government to make laws with courts and judges to enforce those laws, irrespective of race colour or creed. Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter was New Zealand’s true Founding Document and first Constitution. See the attached disk by the authority of the Chief Archivist, Archive New Zealand entitled, “Charter of 1840, Constitution of the Colony of New Zealand into a separate colony. 16 November 1840”.

Te Papa will continue to mislead its 1.5 million visitors a year by completely ignoring this vital part of our history with no intention of correction for a number of years, if ever.

This corruption can only be occurring due to a hidden agenda by those in charge of the exhibitions at Te Papa and the Minister must intervene and order the redevelop of the Treaty of Waitangi exhibition immediately with recognition of Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter as New Zealand’s true Founding Document and first Constitution.

For the Minister, Hon Maggie Barry to fail to act immediately can only show the Minister and the government are part of the corruption which we will endeavour to make the public of New Zealand aware through our website.

Te Papa and the Minister has a duty to inform Te Papa’s 1.5 visitors a year of the true history of New Zealand and not just that which suits Te Papa’s history curators hidden agendas and the benefit of one small group of New Zealand Citizens that can claim a minute trace of tangata Maori ancestry.


I have enclosed a brief article on my research into Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent which we encourage the Minister to read as it gives the importance of the Royal Charter to New Zealand’s history that Te Papa deliberately omits from its exhibits, especially the Proclamations by Governor William Hobson and  the First Sitting of the  Legislative Council of New Zealand.


Yours sincerely,


Ross Baker.

Researcher, One New Zealand Foundation Inc.


This email appears our website, with those already posted. The public have a right to know they are being denied a vital part of our true history by Te Papa.