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Governor General Dame Pasty Reddy must not continue to grant Royal Assents to Government’s Apartheid Legislation!


Governor General Dame Pasty ReddyThe One New Zealand Foundation Inc. would like to bring to your attention the deal between the National Party and the Maori Party to get the Resource Legislation Amendment Bill through Parliament.

To get this Bill through Parliament, the National Government must rely on the support of the Maori Party to get a majority but in return, the Maori Party demanded the inclusion of an iwi participation clauses, which would require local government to invite un-elected local tribal trusts into co-governance arrangements, creating apartheid and unconstitutional legislation.

Even if Parliament passes the Resource Legislation Amendment Bill it must still receive its Royal Assent from the Governor General before becoming an Act of Parliament or Law.

If a Bill passes its third reading by Parliament, it is passed by the Clerk of the House of Representatives to the Governor-General, who will (assuming constitutional conventions are followed, which in this case are not) grant a Royal Assent and the Bill then becomes an Act of Parliament or Law.

Some constitutional lawyers, such as Professor Philip Joseph believes the Governor-General retains the power to refuse to grant a Royal Assent, especially if the Bill is based on false information or apartheid legislation as in this case.

A Royal Assent is the final check of legislation by our Head of State!

The problem we have, in March 1990 our Governor General, the Most Rev Sir Paul Reeves threatened to joined Maori leaders in violence or even a civil war if Maori did not get their own way. Hardly the comment expected from the Queen’s Representative to New Zealand.

Since this time, Governments in fear have given in to Maori’s every demand and Governor Generals have granted Royal Assents to some the most apartheid legislation approaching that of South Africa and Bolivia. See attached threat of violence or a civil war by the Most Rev Sir Paul Reeves and the Maori Leaders below.

Our new Governor General,  Dame Pasty Reddy stated in her Swearing-in-Speech on the 28 September 2016  “That in exercising her functions as Governor-General she would respect and honour the unique partnership between the Crown and Māori, as enshrined in our founding document, Tē Tiriti o Waitangi”.

The 1865 Native Rights Act confirmed Maori as British Subjects and British Subjects cannot be in “partnership” with the Crown or the Monarchy.

If Dame Patsy Reddy, the Queen’s Representative does not understand that Maori cannot be, “In partnership with the Crown”, then she should resign!

Dame Patsy also overlooks the fact, the Tiriti o Waitangi cannot be our “Founding Document” as it only placed New Zealand under the laws and dependency of New South Wales on a temporary basis until Britain declared sovereignty over all the territories of New Zealand. If only a few territories had been given up by the chiefs to Britain, these territories would have remained under the laws and dependency of New South Wales.

Britain declared sovereignty over all the islands and territories of New Zealand on the 21 May 1840 and the Proclamations were published in the London Gazette on the 2 October 1840.  Queen Victoria issued Her Royal Charter/Letters Patent on the 16 November 1840 that separated New Zealand from New South Wales and made New Zealand into a British Colony on the 3 May 1841 with a Governor and Constitution to form a government to make laws with courts and judges to enforce those laws under one flag and one law, irrespective of race, colour or creed.

Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent is OUR true “Founding Document”!

Governor General Dame Patsy Reddy must understand the Tiriti o Waitangi had served its purpose by the 21 May 1840 by ceding all the islands and territories of New Zealand to Britain, then Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent dated the 16 November 1840, our true Founding Document and first Constitution made New Zealand into a British Colony on the 3 May 1841 that set up New Zealand’s political, legal and justice systems of one flag and one law, irrespective of race colour or creed. Our true “Founding Document”!

Governor General Dame Pasty Reddy must not continue to grant Royal Assents to Government’s Apartheid Legislation.

Sir Paul and Government differ over treaty on screen


For further information, or   30/3/17.

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