Do we need more Treaty Principles David?

Hon David Seymour, why do we need a Treaty Principles Bill when Lt Governor Hobson made it perfectly clear when he signed the Treaty of Waitangi on 6 February 1840, there was only one Principle in the Treaty of Waitangi and that was, “He iwi tahi tatou – We are now one people”? These are the only word’s Hobson spoke to the gathering after he had signed the Treaty of Waitangi on 6 February 1840. No more, no less.

Just one Principle, “He iwi tahi tatou – We are now one people”!

In 1986, Attorney General, Hon Geoffrey Palmer and Maori Affairs Minister, Hon Matiu Rata dreamt up Five Principles for Crown Action of the Treaty of Waitangi that were the biggest injustice ever imposed by any government on the people of New Zealand. While Prime Minister David Lange said “They are not an attempt to rewrite the Treaty of Waitangi”, they gave one race of people special rights and privileges over all others that was never intended by those who signed the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840.. The Principles were endorsed by Prime Minister Hon David Lange in 1989. See page 3.

On 6 March 1992, Prime Minister, Hon Geoffrey Palmer and Attorney General, Hon David Lange knew they had made a terrible mistake when they appeared on the Australian Broadcasting Commission’s programme, “Four Corners” in a dispute with the Governor General, Rev Paul Reeves over the meaning of the Treaty of Waitangi. See page 2.

Now Prime Minister, Hon Geoffrey Palmer stating, “The meaning of the Treaty, in terms of its operational consequences, now, was ‘far from clear’. In fact, it’s a document that is so vague that is its primary problem”.

But six years earlier, Hon Geoffrey Palmer had used this unclear, vague document to write, “Five Principles for Crown Action on the Treaty of Waitangi”!

Now Attorney General, Hon David Lange stating, “Did Queen Victoria for a moment think of forming a partnership with a number of signatures, a number of thumb prints and 500 people, Queen Victoria was not that sort of person”.

But three years earlier, Hon David Lange had endorsed the Hon Geoffrey Palmer’s Principle of “A Partnership between Maori and the Queen”!

Both David Lange and Geoffrey Palmer realised the terrible errors that had been made by introducing the Five Principles for Crown Action on the Treaty of Waitangi, but instead of fixing the problem they had made, they both left front line politics.

Hon Geoffrey Palmer did write a way out in his book, New Zealand’s Constitution in Crisis – Reforming Our Political System, It is true the Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975 and all the other statutes, which give explicit recognition to the Treaty are not entrenched. They can be swept away by a simple majority in Parliament” but he failed to sweep them away! In fact, Geoffrey Palmer went back to his old law firm helping Maori with their Treaty claims he had helped set up!

Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent dated 16 February 1840 ratified the Treaty of Waitangi when it made New Zealand into a British Colony of “One people under, one flag and one law, irrespective of race colour or creed”. See:

David, please don’t make the same mistake as Hon Geoffrey Palmer and Hon David Lange made in 1986 by introducing your Treaty Principles Bill, instead support the Hon Winston Peters to abolish the 1975 Treaty of Waitangi Act and the Five Principles for Crown Action on the Treaty of Waitangi.

Remember, the Treaty of Waitangi only had one Principle, “He iwi tahi tatou – We are now one people and no one has the right to dream up further Principles David!

Sir Paul and Govt differ over Treaty on screen.

New Zealand Herald, 6 March 1992.

Prime Minister, Hon David Lange endorses Attorney General, Hon Geoffrey Palmer’s dreamt up “Five Principles for Crown Action on the Treaty of Waitangi”, that were the biggest injustice ever imposed by any government on the people of New Zealand. While Prime Minister David Lange said, “They are not an attempt to rewrite the Treaty of Waitangi”, but they gave one race of New Zealanders special rights and privileges over all other New Zealanders that was never intended by those who signed the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840

For a copy of Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent dated 16 November 1840 that separated New Zealand from New South Wales and made New Zealand into a British Colony with a Governor and Constitution that set up New Zealand’s political, legal and justice systems under one flag and one law , irrespective of race, colour or creed, log on to  or Email:

There is no denying, “Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent” dated 16 November 1840 is New Zealand true Founding Document and first Constitution.   

Prepared by the One New Zealand Foundation Inc. or Email:  (C) 3/4/2024.