Crown Law Office Suggests Immunity for Mrs Titford.

Crown Law Office Suggests Immunity for Mrs Titford.

It’s interesting that the Crown Law Office suggested immunity from prosecution for Mrs Titford at her husband’s trial in 2013 where he was jailed for 24 years without a fair trial. This started as a simple matrimonial dispute between Mr and Mrs Titford but the Crown became involved by giving Mrs Titford immunity from prosecution to help the Crown clear itself of any wrong doing when it stole Mr Titford’s 1650 acre freehold titled farm under duress for Te Roroa’s alleged Treaty of Waitangi claim by tampering with the documents and without Mr Titford having legal advice or representation. Copy of letter below, see paragraph 3.

When we asked Mr Michael Smith, Crown Solicitor under the Official Information Act for all correspondence in reference to Mrs Titford being given immunity he refused stating it was confidential. See emails below.

We have since written to the Crown Law Office under the Official Information Act for this information and await their reply, which will be posted when received.

In 2012 the Crown gave Mr Titford’s estranged wife immunity to help the Crown jail Mr Titford for 24 years without a fair trial by refusing him to call witness to defend the alleged conviction against him.

For further information, “Stolen Lands at Maunganui Bluff” and “Why Allan Titford was Jailed for Twenty Four years”, on the ONZF website or obtain a copy from, ONZF, P.O.Box 7113, Pioneer Hwy, Palmerston North. $10-00 incl. P & P.

Please read emails from the bottom up.

From: Ross Baker

Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2016 10:18 AM

To: Richelle Millar

Subject: Re: Official Information Act Request.


Michael Smith,

Crown Solicitor,

Crown Law Office.


Re:  Official Information Act Request.


Dear Sir,


Thank you for your reply below.


I will follow this up with the Crown Law Office but I cannot see how it can be refused under Section 6 (c) and (d) of the 1982 Ombudsman’s Act.


(c) to prejudice the maintenance of the law, including the prevention, investigation, and detection of offences, and the right to a fair trial;


Mr Allan Tiford did not get a fair trial as his estranged wife was given immunity to help the Crown lay charges against her husband without the right to call witnessed to defend them.

(d) to endanger the safety of any person;

The only life it endangered is Mr Titford’s rotting in jail for 24 years without a fair trial.


Could it be confidential because the Crown Law Office was trying everything in the book to clear itself of the corrupt methods it used to stealing Mr Titford’s freehold titled farm for Te Roroa’s alleged Treaty of Waitangi claim.


The documents we have on file from those involved at the time (yours included) will not allow this to go away.


Yours sincerely,


Ross Baker.


Researcher, One New Zealand foundation Inc.


From: Richelle Millar

Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2016 9:34 AM

To: ‘Ross Baker’

Subject: RE: Official Information Act Request.


I refer to your email request below. I decline to provide any documentation you seek. My file was sent to the Crown Law Office in Wellington on 14 February 2014. In any event, the material you seek is confidential and even if held by my office I would not provide. I would withhold under Section 6(c) and (d) of the Official Information Act.


Your request is more properly directed at the Crown Law Office.


Sent on behalf of Michael Smith.


From: Ross Baker []
Sent: Tuesday, 19 April 2016 2:23 a.m.
To: Crown <>
Subject: Re: Official Information Act Request.


Mr M B Smith,

Crown Solicitor,

Crown Law Office.


Re:  Official Information Act Request.


Under the Official information Act, could you please supply all the correspondence giving Mrs Cochrane (Mrs Titford nee Cochrane) immunity, (see paragraph 3 in the attached letter) “between the Solicitor – General and this office”.


Yours sincerely,


Ross Baker.


Researcher, One New Zealand Foundation Inc.

