Ministry for Maori Crown Relations a Rort!
Ministry for Maori Crown Relations a Rort!
Prepared by Ross Baker, Researcher, One New Zealand Foundation Inc. (C) 5/2/2020
I have just read a paper entitled, “Hon Kelvin Davis, Minister for Māori Crown Relations: Te Arawhiti. Building Closer Partnerships with Māori: Proactive release of Cabinet paper and MCR-19 MIN-0004, 30 July 2019”. It seems he has no idea of New Zealand’s true history or is deliberately misleading the public to give todays Maori special rights and privileges never intended in the Tiriti o Waitangi or Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent dated the 16 November 1840, our true Founding Document and first Constitution.
In 1831, 13 of Kelvin Davis’s ancestor’s (Ngapuhi chiefs) wrote to the King of England asking him to be their guardian and protector from the French, but mainly from the southern tribes who were arming themselves for utu/revenge after Hongi Hika, Ngapuhi and his followers had slaughtered thousands of their unarmed, men, women and children for the fun of it and the feasts that followed between 1820 and 1830. Hongi Hika had returned from England with an estimated 800 muskets he had exchanged for land in New Zealand.
On the 6 February 1840, Ngapuhi chiefs were the first to sign the Tiriti o Waitangi at Waitangi agreeing they would give up their kawanatanga/government and in return, Queen Victoria would give them the same rights and protection as the people of England. In fact, tangata Maori became British subjects under one flag and one law. Ngapuhi chiefs shook hands with Lt. Governor Hobson after they had signed the Tiriti o Waitangi with the words, “He iwi tahi tatou – We are now one people” to which they gave 3 hearty cheers.
Once the majority of tangata Maori chiefs, (512) had signed the Tiriti o Waitangi, including 26 of those who had signed the failed Declaration of Independence, the Tiriti o Waitangi was filed away as it had served its purpose and was of no further use!
There was no mention of a Relationship or Partnership between Maori and the Crown in the Tiriti o Waitangi!
It seems Kelvin and his colleagues have no idea that Chief Justice Sir James Prendergast ruled the Treaty, “A simple nullity” in 1877 stating, “So far indeed as that instrument (The Treaty of Waitangi) purported to cede the sovereignty it must be regarded as a ‘simple nullity’. No political body existed capable of making cession of sovereignty”. This ruling has never been over-ruled. Britain gained sovereignty over New Zealand by the Law of Nations before the Tiriti o Waitangi was signed. New Zealand at the time the Treaty of Waitangi was signed was under the dependency of New South Wales until the 3 May 1841.
A couple of months after the Tiriti o Waitangi had been signed and filed away, a Royal Charter/Letters Patent was issued on the 16 November 1840 by, “Victoria by the Grace of God” under, “The Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland’”. The Royal Charter/Letters Patent separated New Zealand from New South Wales dependency and made New Zealand into a British Colony on the 3 May 1841 with a Governor, Governor Hobson and a Constitution that set up New Zealand’s political, legal and justice systems under one flag and one law, irrespective of race, colour or creed..
There was no mention of a Relationship or Partnership between Maori and the Crown in Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent dated the 16 November 1840!
It seems those on the committee of “Te Arawhiti: Building Closer Partnerships with Māori either have no idea of Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent or are deliberately misleading the public to give today’s Maori special rights and privileges never intended in the Tiriti o Waitangi or Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent of 1840?
There is no mention of Crown Maori Relations in the Treaty of Waitangi or Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter. We were all to be the same under one flag and one law!
Do your really think the Treaty and the Royal Charter were just something Britain dreamt up overnight, Parliament doesn’t work like that.
It would have taken at least 2 years of planning, drafting documents, debating them in Parliament, then finally putting the plan into action
This would have been planned long before Hobson set sail for New Zealand to have the Treaty signed. See below.
First, Britain gained sovereignty over New Zealand in 1839. This was achieved by the “Law of Nations” under the dependency of New South Wales. Fact!
Second, the Treaty asked the tangata Maori to give up their kawanatanga/governments to the Queen and in return, would become British Subjects. Fact!
A British Subject cannot be in, “Partnership with the Crown”. Fact!
Third, Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter dated the 16 November 1840 separated New Zealand from New South Wales on the 3 May 1841 and made New Zealand into a British Colony with a Governor and Constitution to set up political, legal and justice systems under one flag and one law, irrespective of race, colour or creed. Fact!
New Zealand’s one and only Founding Document. Fact!
People would have to be petty thick to think all this just happened over night, Britain was not like that. Britain was the leading Nation in the world at the time and all this was planned long before Hobson set foot in New Zealand in 1840.
Britain had gain sovereignty legally and had brought peace amongst the warring tribes legally within a very short time with very few lives lost.
An amazing achievement under very difficult circumstances as it was all planned to perfection!
After the slaughter of their fellow countrymen, women and children by Hongi Hika and Te Rauparaha between 1820 and 1830 and the utu/revenge being planned by the remaining tribes, it is highly likely the tangata Maori race would be long gone.
It was only though the British intervention, asked for by the 13 Ngapuhi chiefs in 1831 that the tangata Maori survived. Fact!
Prepared by the One New Zealand Foundation Inc. 23/2/2018. (Copyright).
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Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter
Our “True” Founding Document and “First” Constitution that founded New Zealand was Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent dated the 16 November 1840. See below.
The Royal Charter/Letters Patent was issued by, “Victoria by the Grace of God” under, “The Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland”.
The Royal Charter of 1840 allowed New Zealand to separate from New South Wales dependency and with the consent of the British Parliament and became a British Colony on the 3 May 1841 with its own Governor and Constitution for “Creating and establishing a Legislative Council and an Executive Council, and for granting certain powers and authority to the Governor” to set up a Government to make laws based on English law under the watchful eye of the British Parliament.
Parliaments, Governments and our historians have completely ignored this document for over 179 years, and it is time the people of New Zealand were informed of the importance of this document and the Government acted on it accordingly.
While the Treaty of Waitangi asked the tangata Maori, not tangata Whenua or the indigenous people of New Zealand, to give up their kawanatanga/governments to the Queen and in return they would be given the same rights as the people of England, it did not found New Zealand as a British Colony with a Governor and Constitution or to set up political, legal and justice systems under one law and one flag, irrespective of race, colour or creed. Once the Treaty of Waitangi had been signed by both parties it had served its purpose and was filed away in a storage where it was later damaged by fire when the storage shed caught fire.
Over 500 tangata Maori chiefs representing in excess of 75,000 tangata Maori agreed to the Treaty of Waitangi in the first half of 1840; that they would become British Subjects under one flag and one law, English law. “He iwi tahi tatou – We are now one people”.
In fact, during the trial between Wi Parata v the Bishop of Wellington in 1877, Chief Justice Sir James Prendergast ruled, “So far indeed as that instrument, the Treaty of Waitangi purported to cede sovereignty, it must be regarded as a ‘simple nullity’. No political body existed capable of making cession of sovereignty”. This ruling has never been over-ruled.
Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter of 1840. Constitution of the Colony of New Zealand into a separate Colony 3 May 1841.
Below is Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent dated, the 16 November 1840. The Constitution of the Colony of New Zealand into a separate British Colony on the 3 May 1841. Archives New Zealand Ref. No. ACGO 8341 1A1 9. This document was removed from Archives New Zealand’s Constitution Room on the 17 April 2017 and place in Archives Repository out of the public’s view. It must now be ordered to research, that is, if future researchers know it exists!
Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent dated the 16 November 1840 belongs to all the people of New Zealand and must be displayed in all schools and government departments as New Zealand’s ‘true’ Founding Document and ‘first’ Constitution.
Prepared by the One New Zealand Foundation Inc. from documents held by Archives New Zealand and the British Parliamentary Papers. 15/1/2018. (Copyright).
Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent
Charter of 1840.
Constitution of the Colony of New Zealand into a separate colony.
16 November 1840
Disk supplied by the Chief Archivist, Archives New Zealand
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Archives New Zealand misleads the public!
It is interesting to note on letters received from Archives New Zealand is written: “Kai pono ai te rua Mahara – Enabling trusted government information”, when the Chief Archivist, Mr Richard Foy’s letter below is based on false information. Lt. Governor Hobson never made or authorised an English version of the Treaty of Waitangi to be signed by the tangata Maori Chiefs. The only English copy signed was one that was attached to Lt. Governor Hobson “official Maori Tiriti o Waitangi” that was printed by the Church Mission Society (CMS) and was used without authorisation, when space ran out on the “official Maori text”. This English copy was compiled by Hobson’s Secretary, James Freeman from James Busby’s rejected draft notes and the reason why it differs so much from the Tiriti o Waitangi. See the letter below from the One New Zealand Foundation Inc. explaining why we cannot trust government information, especially from Chief Archivist Richard Foy.
Website: Email:
5 November 2019.
Mr Richard Foy,
Chief Archivist,
Archives New Zealand.
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your letter dated the 7 November 2019 below.
Richard, you may be able to fool half the people half the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time!
Correct, there are two English versions of the Treaty of Waitangi available on Archives New Zealand’s website, but both were unauthorised by Lt. Governor Hobson.
You then say, “The first is a translation by Professor Hugh Kawharu, a former Waitangi Tribunal member”.
It seems you have completely overlooked or have no idea that this translation was made for the 1987 Court of Appeal hearing, (CA 54/87) where it is stated, “Instead of repeating the two texts scheduled to the 1975 Act, I set out what a distinguished scholar, Professor Kawharu calls his, “ Attempt at a reconstruction of the literal translation of the Maori Text. It was put before us on behalf of the applicants. The Crown likewise accepted this for the purpose of this case”. An attempt! See page 663 of the 1987 Court of Appeal documents below.
This is not an English version, it was an unauthorised, “Attempt at a reconstruction of the literal translation of the Maori Text”, by a man for his people who were to gain most from the Courts decision. Kawharu even omitted the Preamble, which makes the Treaty impossible to understand or translate. Preamble = The introduction to a formal document that explains its purpose.
The 1987 Court of Appeal (CA 54/87) should have been ruled “Out of Order” as it failed to use the two texts scheduled to the 1975 Act. Note: No English version was made or authorised by Lt. Governor Hobson. FACT!
There was no English version of the Treaty of Waitangi made or authorised by Lt. Governor Hobson. His instructions to those gathering further signature after his untimely stroke was, “The treaty which forms the base of all my proceedings was signed at Waitangi on the 6 February 1840, by 52 chiefs, 26 of whom were of the federation, and formed a majority of those who signed the Declaration of Independence. This instrument I consider to be de facto the treaty, and all signatures that are subsequently obtained are merely testimonials of adherence to the terms of that original document”. Lt. Governor Hobson.
There was no English version signed on the 6 February 1840 at Waitangi. Fact!
As for the English version used at Waikato – Manukau. The first five tangata Maori chiefs who signed the Treaty signed the CMS printed Tiriti o Waitangi authorised by Lt. Governor Hobson which would have been read and discussed as most tangata would not have understood the unauthorised English version made by Hobson Secretary, James Freeman. It is also stated the signatures gained at Waikato – Manukau were 44. This would be the 5 on the CMS printed copy and the 39 on the unauthorised English version that was used to hold the over-flow of signatures.
If this unauthorised English version is to be placed on Archives website, then it must be stated that only 39 tangata Maori chiefs out of more than 500 signed this version, therefore, it only relates to those who signed it or ruled as an unauthorised version signed in error.
Richard, I believe if you don’t know our true history then you should not be the Chief Archivist at Archives New Zealand, which I also believe continues to mislead the people of New Zealand, either because you don’t know our true history or maybe have a hidden agenda.
This is not “your” website, it is a website funded by the people of New Zealand who have the right to be told our true history, not Archive’s unfounded history!
Yours sincerely,
Ross Baker.
Researcher, One New Zealand Foundation Inc.
Page 663 of the 1987 Courts of Appeal documents showing the Court instead of using the 2 texts scheduled to the 1975 Treaty of Waitangi Act, accepted an, “Attempt at a reconstruction of the literal translation of the Maori text”. What right did this Court have “To accept an ‘unauthorised” reconstruction of a literal translation of the Maori text” by a man who was going to gain most for his people with his translation when there is an ‘official’ translation by Mr T E Young of the Native Department for the Legislative Council in 1869, plus many others on record.
Another fraudulent translation of the Treaty of Waitangi, but this time for the 1987 Court of Appeal.
The Treaty is NOT our Founding Document
There is nothing in the Treaty of Waitangi that could be taken as a “Founding Document”.
The Treaty of Waitangi had absolutely nothing to do with setting up our political, legal or justice systems or that Maori must be consulted, it only asked tangata Maori to give up their individual kawanatanga/government and in return, Queen Victoria would give them the “same rights as the people of England”. No more – No less. Tangata Maori became British subjects and a British subject cannot be in, “Partnership with the Crown”. Fact!
The One New Zealand Foundation Inc is concerned that the Government makes no mention of Queen Victoria’s Royal Charters/Letter Patent of 1839 and 1840, New Zealand’s true Founding Documents and first Constitution. Both these Royal Charters were issued by “Victoria by the Grace of God” under, “The Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland”. The Treaty of Waitangi was not!
Queen Victoria or the British Government had no idea of what the Treaty said until it had been signed at Waitangi on the 6 February 1840. Even then, Britain received an unauthorised English version compiled by Lt. Governor Hobson’s Secretary, James Freeman from James Busby’s rejected notes and was not a translation of the Tiriti o Waitangi that over 500 tangata Maori chiefs signed in 1840. The 500 chiefs who signed the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840 were tangata Maori, NOT the tangata whenua or the Indigenous people of New Zealand. Fact.
In fact, in 1877 Chief Justice, Sir James Prendergast ruled the Treaty of Waitangi, “A simple nullity because no political body existed capable of making cession of sovereignty”. This ruling has never been over-ruled and remains in force today but is completely ignored by governments and the Waitangi Tribunal. Fact!
Royal Charter/Letters Patent of 1839.
The Royal Charter/Letters Patent dated the 30 July 1839 placed New Zealand under the laws and dependency of New South Wales. Britain had already gained sovereignty under the Law of Nations.
Royal Charter/Letters Patent of 1840.
The Royal Charter/Letters Patent dated the 16 November 1840 separated New Zealand from New South Wales on the 3 May 1841 and made New Zealand into a British Colony with a Governor and Constitution that set up New Zealand’s political, legal and justice systems under one flag and one law, irrespective of race, colour or creed. Fact!
Both these Royal Charters/Letters Patent have been completely ignored by Governments. In fact, on the 17 April 2017 the Government allowed Archives New Zealand to dismantle the Constitution Room and place the Royal Charters of 1839 and 1840 in Archives Repository amongst the other 6 million documents and out of the public’s view. To research these documents now, researchers must order them, that is, if they know they exist. Do you?
The Treaty of Waitangi was placed in the new $7.2 million He Tohu exhibition at the refurbished National Library, Wellington as, “As an iconic constitutional document that shaped Aotearoa New Zealand”. There is no evidence in the Treaty of Waitangi that it was a Founding or Constitutional Document. This is just another lie by government to elevate the Treaty of Waitangi to something it was never intended to be by those who signed it in 1840. Fact!
Prepared for the One New Zealand Foundation Inc.
By Ross Baker, Researcher, One New Zealand Foundation Inc.
Minister has no idea of our true history, she’s just another brainwashed puppet on a string!
Minister has no idea of our true history, she’s just another brainwashed puppet on a string!
Hon Tracy Martin,
Minister of Internal Affairs,
Parliament Building,
Dear Minister,
Re: Official Information Act Request.
From the article posted in the New Zealand Herald on the 15 August 2019, it is obvious you have absolutely no knowledge of New Zealand’s true history. See true documented history in red below now hidden from the public by Government in New Zealand Archive’s Repository (Storage).
Treaty faces move to new home: NZ Herald, 15 August 2019.
The Treaty of Waitangi, the Women’s Suffrage Petition and New Zealand’s other most important historical documents could be moved to a $200 million new home, the Government has announced. The Declaration of Independence, the Treaty of Waitangi and the Women’s Suffrage Petition are not New Zealand’s most important documents and they were never authorised, drafted or approved by Queen Victoria or the British Parliament. In fact, Chief Justice Sir James Prendergast rule the Treaty of Waitangi, “A simple nullity” in 1877 and the Privy Council ruled in 1941, “If it was not in our legislation, then the Treaty of Waitangi was not legally binding”.
New Zealand’s most important documents are,
- The Royal Charter/Letters Patent dated the 30 July 1839 issued by “Victoria by the Grace of God” under “The Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland”, that place New Zealand under the laws and dependency of New South Wales on the 30 January 1840.
- The Royal Charter/Letters Patent dated the 16 November 1840 issued by “Victoria by the Grace of God” under “The Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland”, that separated New Zealand from New South Wales and made New Zealand into a British colony with its own Governor and Constitution that set up our political, legal and justice systems under one flag and one law, irrespective of race colour or creed.
The Minister of internal Affairs,Tracey Martin, yesterday unveiled plans to replace ailing national archive in Wellington by 2024. The current facility and the nearby National Library hold about $1.7 billion worth of the country’s most precious records, such as Katherine Mansfield’s original work and the 1835 Declaration of Independence signed by 52 Maori rangatira (chiefs). The Declaration of Independence was a complete failure. It was only signed by 52 northern chiefs after 4 years, who never ratified it or honoured it and it was abandoned within 12 months without one meeting taking place. In fact, most of those that signed it were at war with each other before the ink had even dried.
The archive is 50 years old and has run out of room. It leaks and needs earthquake strengthening. Correct, but should have been address years ago.
In 2017 the Government spent $7.2m moving a version of the Treaty, the Suffrage Petition and the Declaration of Independence a few hundred metres from Archives to the National Library to better protect them. Martin said she had seen ceiling drips being caught in buckets. Correct, but deliberately left our true Founding Documents; Queen Victoria’s Royal Charters/Letters Patent of 1839 and 1840 in the old leaking, earthquake prone Archives building. Minister, there was also only one “official” version of the Tiriti o Waitangi.
Under the proposal, a 22,000sq m archive will be built on the site previously home to the Defence Force headquarters. The Defence building came down after the Kaikoura earthquake. An air bridge will link the building to the National Library by an air bridge, setting up a “documentary heritage campus” in the capital city.
Martin said the structure would be privately built and leased to the Government.
It was estimated construction would cost the developer between $200m to $225m, with work to be completed by late 2024. A final decision rested on the final cost and available funds. So far. $25m has been allocated for the planning.
This is another attempt by the Government to deprive the people of New Zealand of their true history. For 25 years Queen Victoria’s Royal Charters/Letters Patent of 1839 and 1840; New Zealand true Founding Documents and first Constitution, were held in the Constitution Room at Archive New Zealand for all to see, but on the 17 April 2017, the Constitution Room was dismantled by Government with the Declaration of Independence, the Treaty of Waitangi and the Women’s Suffrage Petition being moved to the $7.2 million He Tohu exhibition at the National Library Wellington. Queen Victoria’s Royal Charters/Letters Patent of 1839 and 1840 were removed to Archives leaky and earthquake prone Repository where they must be ordered to research, that is, if future researchers know they exist.
Under the Official Information Act,
Will Queen Victoria’s Royal Charters/Letters Patent of 1839 and 1840 issued by “Victoria by the Grace of God” under “The Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland”, that made New Zealand into a British colony with its own Governor and Constitution that set up our political, legal and justice system under one flag and one law, irrespective of race colour or creed, be placed in Archive’s new $200 million home as our true Founding Documents and first Constitution?
Yours sincerely,
Ross Baker.
Researcher, One New Zealand Foundation Inc.
This is an open letter to all interested parties.
Allan Titford has had his Appeal to an extension of time to file, An Application for Leave to Appeal, dismissed. This again is a deliberate attempt to deny justice to man that was never given a fair trial. See documents below.
Allan had freehold title to a 1650-acre farm at Maunganui Bluff in 1986. At the time of purchase unbeknown to him, Te Roroa had placed a claim on part of his farm called Manuwhetai.
For 7 years Allan fought this claim, but in 1995, the Crown forced him from his land. The payment he received barely paid for his legal fees to try and keep his farm.
In 2009 Allan’s wife Susan became frustrated with Allan trying to get compensation for his lost property. She wrote to Barrister Greg Denholm asking him, “If Allan was in jail would she get control of his Trusts”. She also wrote to the Minister of Justice, Hon Simon Power asking how she could escape being charged with Perjury. The Minister said if she could prove she was forced to lie in Court she would be excused. Susan wanted control of the finances.
She then talked to Minister, Hon John Carter who said the Crown would give her immunity if she would help the Crown to find Allan guilty of charges that would put him in prison.
John Carter asked Susan to write a list of charges which she gave to him who forwarded it onto the Police. The Police removed some charges and added many others.
Susan also promised her children $5000 each if they would testify against their father in Court. One child writing, “And all the stuff we had to write and say about Dad. I didn’t understand any of it. I tried to ask about it but just got told to do it”.
Allan’s trial began on the 2 September 2013 under Judge Duncan Harvey. Susan, her brother and her children gave their evidence without any documents or witnesses to substantiate it and with little, if any cross examination. What ever they said was taken as the truth.
Allan was refused any witnesses in his defence and everything he said was taken as a lie by the Court. His solicitor John Moroney spending little time preparing his case.
Before he was sentenced, Allan’s sister-in-law, Sheryll Titford, who never really liked Allan and his aunty, Ileen McGrath gave affidavits to the Police that Susan father Graham Cochrane had burn the house down at Maunaganui Bluff and not Allan, but this was withheld from the Court by the Police.
A claim for this land had also been lodged in 1939 by Te Roroa and after a full hearing, it was found by Chief Judge Shepherd that there was no evidence that Te Roroa still owned Manuwhetai. The whole block had been sold to the Crown without any mention of a reserve called Manuwhetai, only Taharoa. The claim was rejected by Parliament in 1942.
No fresh evidence was brought to the Waitangi Tribunal, but the Tribunal, as usual, twisted the truth and recommended the Crown not only return Manuwhetai but both Allan’s and Mr Donny Harrison’s farms to Te Roroa.
When the Minister of Justice and Minister of Treaty Negotiations signed Mr Titford’s Deed of Sale he acknowledged on the Deed of Sale that Manuwhetai was only an “alleged” claim. No evidence had been presented to the Waitangi Tribunal that this land belonged to Te Roroa.
There is no doubt, Mr Titford is a “Political Prisoner” to stop him from telling of the corruption within the Crown and our Justice system to steal an innocent New Zealand Citizen’s freehold titled farm for Te Roroa’s “alleged” land claim, but the Crown still will not allow him a fair trial.
For further information, “Why Allan Titford was Jailed for Twenty-four Years”, by the ONZF.

There is far more to our history than the Treaty of Waitangi.
By Ross Baker, Researcher, One New Zealand Foundation Inc.
On the first page of Claudia Orange’s 1987 book, “The Treaty of Waitangi” is written, “Claudia Orange offers new interpretations of the Treaty in New Zealand History from 1840 to the present day”.
The problem is, they are her interpretations of the Treaty of Waitangi only and overlooks many of the vital events in New Zealand between 1840 and 1841. Most of our “professional historians and researchers”, including Claudia Orange have failed to venture further afield to find the Treaty of Waitangi did not make New Zealand into an independent British Colony under one flag and one law.
Queen Victoria’s Royal Charters/Letters Patent – Sovereignty by the Law Nations.
Six days before the Tiriti o Waitangi received its first signature/mark, Britain had claimed sovereignty over New Zealand by the “Law of Nations”.This was achieved by a beautifully prepared, written and presented Royal Charter/Letters Patent dated the 30 July 1839 issued by, “Victoria by the Grace of God” under “The Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland”. New Zealand came under the laws and dependency of New South Wales on the 30 January 1840 with the Governor of New South Wales, Sir George Gipps the first Governor of New Zealand and Captain William Hobson, his Lieutenant Governor to New Zealand. See page 3.
The Declaration of Independence – A complete failure!
British Resident, James Busby had tried to get the chiefs to claim sovereignty over New Zealand by the 1835 Declaration of Independence. It stated the chiefs were to meet annually to form a united government to bring peace and trade between the tribes and settlers, but due to the ever-present intertribal fighting, it was abandoned 12 months later without one meeting taking place. The Declaration of Independence was a complete failure as the chiefs were not interested in forming a united government with a “Head of State” to claim sovereignty over New Zealand.
Treaty of Waitangi – Hardly a Founding Document.
Dame Claudia Orange and her other “professional historians/researchers” tell the people of New Zealand the Treaty of Waitangi was our Founding Document, when in fact, it was scribbled on a piece of paper by a sea captain, translated into a primitive language that continually changes depending on how many dollars can be extract from the taxpayers and then, transcribed onto a piece of dog skin that was later damaged by fire and rats. Hardly a Founding Document!
The Treaty only cleared up the sovereignty Lord Normanby thought the tribes may have had over their everchanging territories that they had not already sold before the Treaty was signed. The Treaty of Waitangi was never intended to cede sovereignty as there was no sovereignty to cede, be our Founding Document or “A Partnership between Maori and the Crown”.
Tangata Maori gave up their kawanatanga/governments to become British Subjects.
Once the sovereignty issue had been solved, over 500 tangata Maori chiefs agreed to give up their kawanatanga/governments to the Queen and in return; the majority of tangata Maori became British subjects with, “The same rights as the people of England”. No more – No less! English law does not allow a British subject to be, “In partnership with the Crown”.
British Sovereignty over New Zealand was announced on the 2 October 1840 in the London Gazette and has never been challenged by any other country or Nation.
Queen Victoria’s 1840 Royal Charter/Letters Patent – Our true Founding Document.
One month later, on the 16 November 1840 another beautifully prepared, written and presented Royal Charter/Letters Patent was issues by “Victoria by the Grace of God” under “The Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland”that separated New Zealand from New South Wales. Lt. Governor Hobson became the second Governor of New Zealand on the 3 May 1841. See page 3.
This Royal Charter/Letters Patent made New Zealand into an independent British Colony on the 3 May 1840 with its first Constitution that set up New Zealand’s first government to make laws with courts and judges to enforce those laws under one flag and one law, irrespective of race colour and creed.
The professional historian/researchers mislead the Government and the People of New Zealand.
Very few “professional” historians/researchers, including Dame Claudia Orange have ever researched or published this vital part of our true history as they make no mention of it in any of their many books on New Zealand history. This has allowed the Treaty of Waitangi to be taken as our Founding Document by Governments, when in fact, it founded nothing except to clear up Lord Normanby’s misunderstanding of tangata Maori having sovereignty over New Zealand and made tangata Maori, “British subjects with the same rights as the people of England”.
As past historians have created a lot of damage to New Zealand with their “lazy research”, it’s time they apologised to the people of New Zealand and brought their research up to date.
Governments uses “lazy research” to defraud the taxpayers.
Their “lazy research” has been used by governments since the 1975 Treaty of Waitangi Act to allow breaches against the Treaty, but any breaches can only be against the laws of New Zealand as the Treaty had nothing to do with setting up our political, legal or justice systems. All claims by Maori should be heard in our Courts where the claimants can be cross-examined and not the apartheid Waitangi Tribunal where verbal evidence takes precedence over documented evidence and non-Maori cannot participate or lodge an appeal.
Government hides Royal Charters/Letters Patent.
Government has now supported this “lazy research” by dismantling our Constitution Room at Archives New Zealand on the 17 April 2017 and has filed/hidden Queen Victoria’s Royal Charters/Letters Patent of 1839 and 1840 in Archive’s Repository, where they must now be ordered if future researchers want to research our true history, that is, if they know Queen Victoria’s Royal Charters/Letters Patent exist.
The most corrupt act ever forced on the People of New Zealand by any government
This would be the most corrupt act ever forced on the people of New Zealand by any government, but our so called “professional historians/researches” such as Claudia Orange have either deliberately misled the Government and people of New Zealand or have been too lazy to research our true history which must include Queen Victoria’s Royal Charters/Letters Patent, our true Founding Documents and first Constitution that set up our political, legal and justice systems under one flag and one law, irrespective of race, colour or creed. See page 4.
I hope this clears up any misunderstanding of New Zealand’s true history. There is far more to our history than that researched and written by Dame Claudia Orange and the so called “professional historians and researchers”. They have misled/lied to the people of New Zealand for far too long to cover up their “lazy and misleading research”.
Prepared by Ross Baker, Researcher, One New Zealand Foundation Inc. 30 August 2018. Copyright.
For documented evidence of the above: or
Letter to Members
Dear Members and other interested parties.
Shortly you will see a new political party called, “The One New Zealand Party”. While your committee opposed this name, this new party agreed to make Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent of 1839 and 1840 its main platform when dealing with Treaty of Waitangi issues. This Party has no association with the ONZF, but we wish them well if they honour their commitment to promote Queen Victoria’s Royal Charters/Letters Patent.
It’s a concern when virtually all other parties and organisations refuse to recognise Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent of 1839 and 1840 as the documents that made New Zealand into a British Colony with its own Governor and Constitution that set up our political, legal and justice systems. These documents were issued by, “Victoria by the Grace of God under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland”. In fact, one man that was a Crown researcher for the Waitangi Tribunal called me a “disgusting bastard” when questioned why he had not mentioned or used Queen Victoria’s Royal Charters when investigating and reporting on Treaty of Waitangi claims.
The people and organisations who continue to support the Treaty of Waitangi as our founding document are traitors to their fellow New Zealanders. They give recognition to a document that was never intended to be our founding document when it was signed by over 500 tangata Maori chiefs and Lt. Governor Hobson in 1840.
While the Treaty of Waitangi cleared up any misunderstandings by Lord Normanby on British sovereignty over New Zealand when he gave his instructions to Captain Hobson, it did make tangata Maori British subjects, “With the same rights as the people of England, if they gave up their kawanatanga/governments to the Queen”. It also explained to tangata Maori the Queen would guarantee to them, “Their lands, settlements and property, the same as, all the people living in New Zealand”, but the Treaty of Waitangi did notmake New Zealand a British Colony with a Governor and Constitution to set up our political, legal and justice systems under one flag and one law.
Many people/organisations have asked me to remove their names from our email list or no longer reply to my emails. They are the problem, they continue to recognise the Treaty of Waitangi as our Founding Document. It was not!
The One New Zealand Foundation Inc has extensively researched Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent of 1839 and 1840 and found they were the documents that made New Zealand into a British Colony with its own Governor and Constitution that set up our political, legal and justice systems; Our true Founding Documents and first Constitution, but the government does not want the public to know and went to the extent of dismantling the Constitution Room at Archives New Zealand and filing/hiding Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent of 1839 and 1840 in Archive’s Repository where they must be ordered to research, that is, if future researchers know they exist.
While this is bad enough, government also spent $7.2 million dollars of taxpayer’s money to refurbish the National Library in Wellington to house three documents in the new He Tohuexhibit, stating they are, “Iconic constitutional documents that shaped Aotearoa New Zealand”.The three documents are,
- The Declaration of Independencewas a failed attempt by James Busby to get tangata Maori sovereignty recognised over New Zealand, but tangata Maori were more interested in fighting than political co-operation.
- The Treaty of Waitangionly made tangata Maori into, “British subjects with the same rights as the people of England if they gave up their kawanatanga/governments to the Queen”. No more, no less.
- The Women’s Suffrage Petition. While the Women’s Suffrage petition was a great achievement for women worldwide, it was not a constitutional document that shaped New Zealand. It allowed women to vote on matters affecting our political, legal and justice systems that Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letter Patent/Constitution dated the 16 November 1840 had set up on the 3 May 1841.
In 1877 Chief Justice Sir James Prendergast had rule the Treaty of Waitangi, “A simple nullity”, which the Ministry of Justice stated has never been over-ruled. During the claims by Maori in the 1930’s and 40’s the Treaty of Waitangi was never mentioned, they were heard and settled by the courts where all could participate, but since the introduction of the 1975 Waitangi Tribunal Act and the Hon Geoffrey Palmer’s, “Five Principles for Crown Action on the Treaty of Waitangi”, the Waitangi Tribunal bases all its claims on its interpretation of the Treaty of Waitangi.
The Treaty of Waitangi only gave tangata Maori, “The same rights as the people of England”, but since the 1975 Treaty of Waitangi Act, this has completely changed; those that can claim a minute trace of tangata Maori ancestry can use the taxpayer funded apartheid Waitangi Tribunal to hear their claims without the right of non-Maori to participate or appeal a finding by the Tribunal, which in most cases, are approved by Parliament without question.
It would be very difficult for government to now recognise Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent of 1839 and 1840 that set up our political, legal and justice systems since it has completely ignored it when it enacted the 1975 Treaty of Waitangi Act that created the Waitangi Tribunal. Most of the alleged Treaty of Waitangi claims that have cost the country billions of dollars would have failed if they were held under the justice system created by Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent of 1840 as they did in the 1930’s and 40’s. The alleged Te Roroa Wai 38 claim a shining example as it was rejected by Chief Judge Shepherd and Parliament in 1942 but recommended by the Waitangi Tribunal in 1992 and settled by Parliament a few years later.
We now have two options,
- Ignore Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent of 1839 and 1840, as the majority of people and organisations are doing and let the Waitangi Tribunal use a document that only gave tangata Maori, “The same rights as the people of England”to allow part-Maori to steal our country from under our noses. OR,
- Force the Government to honour Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent of 1839 and 1840 that set up our political, legal and justice systems under one flag and one law, irrespective of race, colour or creed and place it in the He Tohuexhibit, “As our true Founding Document and first Constitution that shaped New Zealand”. The Declaration of Independence and the Treaty of Waitangi renamed as, “The documents that made tangata MaoriBritish subjects with the same rights as the people of England”.
The One New Zealand Foundation Inc. can only do so much. We have brought extensive research to the public’s attention to show Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent of 1839 and 1840 were our true Founding Documents and first Constitution that made New Zealand into a British Colony with a Governor and Constitution that set up our political, legal and justice systems under one flag and one law, irrespective of race colour or creed.
For further information: email:
Prepared by the One New Zealand Foundation Inc. 16/12/2018. (Copyright)
Issued by: “Victoria by the Grace of God under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland”.
There is far more to our history than the Treaty of Waitangi.
By Ross Baker, Researcher, One New Zealand Foundation Inc.
On the first page of Claudia Orange’s 1987 book, “The Treaty of Waitangi” is written, “Claudia Orange offers new interpretations of the Treaty in New Zealand History from 1840 to the present day”.
The problem is, they are her interpretations of the Treaty of Waitangi only and overlooks many of the vital events in New Zealand between 1840 and 1841. Most of our “professional historians and researchers”, including Claudia Orange have failed to venture further afield to find the Treaty of Waitangi did not make New Zealand into an independent British Colony under one flag and one law.
Queen Victoria’s Royal Charters/Letters Patent – Sovereignty by the Law Nations.
Six days before the Tiriti o Waitangi received its first signature/mark, Britain had claimed sovereignty over New Zealand by the Law of Nations.This was achieved by a beautifully prepared, written and presented Royal Charter/Letters Patent dated the 30 July 1839 issued by, “Victoria by the Grace of God” under “The Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland”. New Zealand came under the laws and dependency of New South Wales on the 30 January 1840 with the Governor of New South Wales, Sir George Gipps the first Governor of New Zealand and Captain William Hobson, his Lieutenant Governor to New Zealand.
The Declaration of Independence – A complete failure!
British Resident, James Busby had tried to get the chiefs to claim sovereignty over New Zealand by the 1835 Declaration of Independence. It stated the chiefs were to meet annually to form a united government to bring peace and trade between the tribes and settlers, but due to the ever-present intertribal fighting, it was abandoned 12 months later without one meeting taking place. The Declaration of Independence was a complete failure as the chiefs were not interested in forming a united government with a “Head of State” to claim sovereignty over New Zealand.
Treaty of Waitangi – Hardly a Founding Document.
Dame Claudia Orange and her other “professional historians/researchers” tell the people of New Zealand the Treaty of Waitangi was our Founding Document, when in fact, it was scribbled on a piece of paper by a sea captain, translated into a primitive language that continually changes depending on how many dollars can be extract from the taxpayers and then, transcribed onto a piece of dog skin that was later damaged by fire and rats. Hardly a Founding Document!
The Treaty only cleared up the sovereignty Lord Normanby thought the tribes may have had over their everchanging territories that they had not already sold before the Treaty was signed. The Treaty of Waitangi was never intended to cede sovereignty as there was no sovereignty to cede, be our Founding Document or “A Partnership between Maori and the Crown”.
Tangata Maori gave up their kawanatanga/governments to become British Subjects.
Once the sovereignty issue had been solved, over 500 tangata Maori chiefs agreed to give up their kawanatanga/governments to the Queen and in return; the majority of tangata Maori became British subjects with, “The same rights as the people of England”. No more – No less! English law does not allow a British subject to be, “In partnership with the Crown”.
British Sovereignty over New Zealand was announced on the 2 October 1840 in the London Gazette and has never been challenged by any other country or Nation.
Queen Victoria’s 1840 Royal Charter/Letters Patent – Our true Founding Document.
One month later, on the 16 November 1840 another beautifully prepared, written and presented Royal Charter/Letters Patent was issues by “Victoria by the Grace of God” under “The Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland”that separated New Zealand from New South Wales. Lt. Governor Hobson became the second Governor of New Zealand on the 3 May 1841.
This Royal Charter/Letters Patent made New Zealand into an independent British Colony on the 3 May 1841 with its first Constitution that set up New Zealand’s first government to make laws with courts and judges to enforce those laws under one flag and one law, irrespective of race colour and creed.
The professional historian/researchers mislead the Government and the People of New Zealand.
Very few “professional” historians/researchers, including Dame Claudia Orange have ever researched or published this vital part of our true history as they make no mention of it in any of their many books on New Zealand history. This has allowed the Treaty of Waitangi to be taken as our Founding Document by Governments, when in fact, it founded nothing except to clear up Lord Normanby’s misunderstanding of tangata Maori having sovereignty over New Zealand and made tangata Maori, “British subjects with the same rights as the people of England”.
As past historians have created a lot of damage to New Zealand with their “lazy research”, it’s time they apologised to the people of New Zealand and brought their research up to date.
Governments uses “lazy research” to defraud the taxpayers.
Their “lazy research” has been used by governments since the 1975 Treaty of Waitangi Act to allow breaches against the Treaty, but any breaches can only be against the laws of New Zealand as the Treaty had nothing to do with setting up our political, legal or justice systems. All claims by Maori should be heard in our Courts where the claimants can be cross-examined and not the apartheid Waitangi Tribunal where verbal evidence takes precedence over documented evidence.
Government hides Royal Charters/Letters Patent.
Government has now supported this “lazy research” by dismantling our Constitution Room at Archives New Zealand on the 17 April 2017 and has filed/hidden Queen Victoria’s Royal Charters/Letters Patent of 1839 and 1840 in Archive’s Repository, where they must now be ordered if future researchers want to research our true history, that is, if they know Queen Victoria’s Royal Charters/Letters Patent exist.
The most corrupt act ever forced on the People of New Zealand by any government
This would be the most corrupt act ever forced on the people of New Zealand by any government, but our so called “professional historians/researches” such as Claudia Orange have either deliberately misled the Government and people of New Zealand or have been too lazy to research our true history which must include Queen Victoria’s Royal Charters/Letters Patent, our true Founding Documents and first Constitution.
I hope this clears up any misunderstanding of New Zealand’s true history. There is far more to it than that researched and written by Dame Claudia Orange and the so called “professional historians and researchers”. They have a lot to answer for, but will they do it?
Prepared by Ross Baker, Researcher, One New Zealand Foundation Inc. 30 August 2018. Copyright.
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