Are Today’s Maori Imposters

Dear Fellow New Zealander’s, 

Re: Are Today’s Maori Imposters?

Since the 1975 Treaty of Waitangi Act, Governments have made a terrible mistake in recognising today’s Maori as the people who signed the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840, but no more so than Hon Jacinda Ardern and her Labour Government.

Wake up New Zealand, they are not!

The people who signed the Treaty of Waitangi were a separate race of people called “tangata Maori”, not the tangata whenua or the Indigenous people of New Zealand as we are led to believe today.

Since this time, the “tangata Maori” have intermarried with other races of their own free will until they are no longer the “tangata Maori” but a race of people of many mixed races, in most cases, the majority of their ancestry being from the people they are claiming against today.

Attached is an article by the One New Zealand Foundation Inc. based on 50 years of research from the New Zealand, Australian and American Archives as well as the British Parliamentary Papers and documents obtained under the 1982 Official Information Act.

Please read this article and you will find the majority of New Zealand Citizens have been fooled by Governments into believing today’s Maori are the “tangata Maori” that signed the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840.

 Wake up New Zealand, they are not!


The One New Zealand Foundation Inc. 

Are Maori Leaders and Politicians Imposters?

Imposter – a person who pretends to be someone else in order to deceive others, especially for fraudulent gain.


Most Maori Leaders and Politicians today are imposters. They are not the “tangata whenua”, the first inhabitants or the “tangata Maori” who signed the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840: they are New Zealand Citizens who can claim a minute trace of “tangata Maori” ancestry through intermarriage of their own free will with other races. In most cases, their main ancestry being from the people they are claiming against today, the “Pakeha”. Governments have created this group of people called “Maori” through Acts of Parliament as their “tangata Maori” ancestry became further and further diluted. Their Politicians and Leaders being “imposters”, twisting our history without documented evidence to defraud the people of New Zealand of our land, our assets and our funds.  Wake up New Zealand, these people are not the first inhabitants or the people who signed the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840, they are Imposters!  

The traditions are quite clear on one point, whenever crew disembarked there were already tangata whenua (prior inhabitants) living in New Zealand. The canoe ancestors of the 14-century merged with these tangata whenua tribes. From this time on the traditions abound with accounts of tribal wars over land and its resources”. Page 18,1986 New Zealand Yearbook”, by Dr Ranginui Walker, past Head of Maori Studies at the Auckland University.

The fact is, “Maori” today in most cases are “Pakeha” with a minute trace of “tangata Maori” ancestry, therefore, they are not the people who signed the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840. Their majority ancestry belongs to the people they are claiming against today, their “Pakeha” ancestors!   

While some of the canoe people intermarried with the “tangata whenua”, eventually the “tangata whenua” were driven into the hills by the new arrivals and disappeared. Many of their sites can still be found around New Zealand but were disowned by the “tangata Maori”.    

The canoe people became a very violent people who were constantly at war with each other, but no more so than when Hongi Hika of Ngapuhi, travelled to England in 1820 and smuggled over 800 muskets into New Zealand when he returned. He then went on the rampage south slaughtering, eating, or taking as slaves thousands of his unarmed countrymen, women and children. It is estimated over one third the “tangata Maori” population were exterminated between 1820 and 1840 through the inter-tribal wars.

With the Southern tribes were now arming themselves for utu/revenge for Ngapuhi’s atrocities against them, 13 Ngapuhi chiefs wrote to the King of England in 1831 asking him for protection, not only from the southern tribes but also from the French who were showing interest in claiming New Zealand for France. In 1772 a local “tangata Maori” tribe had massacred and eaten Marion du Frense and 26 of his sailors. In attacks by the French that followed, 250 “tangata Maori” were killed.     

While Britain was not interested in New Zealand at first, but with many of her people now living and investing in New Zealand and the fear of the Native people exterminating themselves, Britain decided to take a more active role in New Zealand in 1840 by asking the Native chiefs to sign a Treaty giving up their kawanatanga/governments for Britain to place New Zealand under the dependency of New South Wales. In return, “tangata Maori” would become British subjects, “With the same rights as the people of England”.  Over 500 “tangata Maori” chiefs agreed and signed the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840.  

Maori should not be blaming the British for their problems; they should be thanking them for saving their ancestors from self-inflicted extermination/genocide! Without the Treaty of Waitangi, like the tangata whenua, tangata Maori would be long gone!

Up until this time the Natives of New Zealand did not have a name to distinguish them from the other races living in New Zealand. Over 500 Native chiefs agreed to being called “tangata Maori” when they signed the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840 as they knew they were not the “tangata whenua” (the original inhabitants). 

There is no mention of “tangata whenua” in the Treaty of Waitangi, the Acts of Parliament defining a Maori or Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent dated the 16 November 1840.   

Over the next 25 years the “tangata Maori” intermarried of their own free will with other races living in New Zealand and the Government had to distinguish these people from the others. From 1865 the Government passed many Acts to define who was a “Maori” to distinguish them from the other people living in New Zealand as their “tangata Maori” ancestry continued to diminish through intermarriage with other races.   

Some of the Statutory Interpretations of a “Maori”.

  1. The Native Lands Act of 1865 defined a Maori as, “an Aboriginal Native and shall include all halfcastes and their descendants by Natives“. 
  2. The Qualification of Electors Act 1879 defined a Maori as, “an Aboriginal inhabitant of New Zealand and includes any halfcaste living as a member of a native tribe according to their customs and usages and any descendants of such a halfcaste by a Maori woman”. 
  3. The Electoral Act 1893 defined a Maori as, “an Aboriginal inhabitant of New Zealand and includes halfcastes and their descendants by Natives”.  
  4. The Native Land Court Act 1894 defines a Maori as, “an Aboriginal native of New Zealand and includes halfcastes and their descendants”. 
  5. The Native Land Acts 1909 defines a Maori as, “a person belonging to the Aboriginal race of New Zealand and includes a halfcaste and a person intermediate in blood between halfcaste and a person of pure descent from that race”. 
  6. The Maori Affairs Amendment Act 1974 defines a Maori as, “a person of the Maori race of New Zealand and includes any descendant of such a person“. 
  7. The Electoral Amendment Act 1975 defines a Maori as, “a person of the Maori race and includes any descendant of such a person who elects to be considered a Maori for the purposes of the Electoral Act”.
  8. The next Act must read, “A Maori is a New Zealand Citizen, no more, no less”! 

From the above Acts, it is obvious, “Maori” has passed its use by date, they have intermarried of their own free will until today they are no longer the people who signed the Treaty of Waitangi, which must be acknowledged by Government.  

There was nothing in the Treaty of Waitangi or our true Founding Document and first Constitution; Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent dated the 16 November 1840 that made New Zealand into a separate British Colony under one flag and one law that said, “Tangata Maori would have special rights not enjoyed by all the people of New Zealand’, especially the ridiculous recent belief that there was “A Partnership between Maori and the Crown”! Would Queen Victoria have promised this to a race of people, “Composed of numerous, dispersed, and petty tribes, who possess few political relations to each other, and are incompetent to act, or even to deliberate in concert”, Lord Normanby’s instructions to Lt. Governor Hobson for drafting the Treaty of Waitangi? 

While the Treaty of Waitangi must be celebrated by part Maori today as the day their ancestors were saved from total extinction/genocide by the British, all the people of New Zealand must celebrate the 3 May as our Independence Day, the day Queen Victoria made New Zealand into a British Colony under one flag and one law, irrespective of race colour or creed. 

Most of the people who call themselves “Maori” today have far more blood of other races flowing in their veins through intermarriage of their own free will, so how ridiculous is it to give this mixed race of people special rights not enjoyed by all the people of New Zealand. They extinguished any special rights when their ancestors decided to intermarry and since then have continued this trend until it is ridiculous to say they are the people that signed the Treaty of Waitangi. They are not! 

While the United Nations states, “A person with tangata Maori ancestry can self-identify as Maori”, it does not say they can have special rights and privileges not enjoyed by their fellow New Zealand Citizens. While they can claim as “Maori”, this does not give them the right to claim anything else based on being “Maori” when their majority ancestry today is “Pakeha”, who these imposters are claiming against today. Wake up New Zealand!

How can our Government continue to recognise “Maori” as a special race of people when they live, work and socialise the same as all New Zealand Citizens? They have all intermarried of their own free will with other races many times over until they have in most cases, only a minute trace of “tangata Maori” ancestry that should not give them the right to be other than a New Zealand Citizen with the same rights as all other New Zealand Citizens.

When their ancestors signed the Treaty at Waitangi, Lt. Governor Hobson repeated, “He iwi tahi tatou – We are now one people” to which the whole gathering gave three hearty cheers. Intercourse in more ways than one between the races has sealed this once and for all and can never be undone. We are now one people under one flag and one law, irrespective of race, colour or creed, whether we like it or not! 

Sir Apirana Ngata, the Minister of Native Affairs gave two serious warnings to his people in 1922. 

  1. If you think these things are wrong, then blame your ancestors who gave away their rights when they were strong”! 
  2. Let me issue a word of warning to those who are in the habit of bandying the name of the Treaty around to be very careful lest it be the means of incurring certain liabilities under the law which we do not know now and are being borne only by the Pakeha”!

Hon Ian Peters, the M.P. for Tongariro (1990–1993) and brother of Hon Winston Peters could see how ridiculous this was when he stated, “It is only common sense that we should not have a person with less than 50% of Aboriginal blood, expecting all the rights and privileges, that were promised or guaranteed in the Treaty of Waitangi, over his fellow New Zealanders”. Most Maori today have far less “tangata Maori’ blood than the 50% recommended by the Hon ian Peters.

And a past Race Relations Conciliator, Mr John Clark of “tangata Maori” descent stated, “Maori today are a people with Maori ancestry as one sees in legislation”. 

It is interesting to note, while most of the Maori Leaders and Politician “Imposters” have little “tangata Maori” ancestry, they have still “conned” our leading politicians such as, Sir Geoffrey Palmer, Hon Doug Graham, Hon Christopher Finlayson, Sir John Keys and worst of all, Prime Minister, Hon Jacinda Ardern into giving large areas of New Zealand, our assets and funds to this group of New Zealand Citizens who are not the people they claim to be while the rest of the people of New Zealand standby and let it happen. 

Wake up New Zealand, through intermarriage, the “Maori” Leaders and Politicians are not the people who signed the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840, they are “Imposters”!

Our ancestors who fought with blood sweat and tears, some paying the ultimate price must be turning in their graves when they see the disrespect these “Impostors” show for their ancestors, both “tangata Maori” and “Pakeha” who saved a race of people from total extinction. Do not let these “Imposters” get away with it, New Zealand belongs to all its Citizens.

May the 3rd, New Zealand Independence Day, the day all New Zealander’s celebrate as ONE!

Prepared by; The One New Zealand Foundation Inc. Copyright. 

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This article has been written by the One New Zealand Foundation Inc. after 50 years researching New Zealand’s true history from New Zealand, Australian and American Archives as well as the British Parliamentary Papers and documents obtained under the 1982 Official Information Act.  We are open to corrections, but they must be supported with official documents with the source, date and author.  Thank You.