Do your really think the Treaty and the Royal Charter were just something Britain dreamt up overnight, Parliament doesn’t work like that.

It would have taken at least 2 years of planning, drafting documents, debating them in Parliament, then finally putting the plan into action

This would have been planned long before Hobson set sail for New Zealand to have the Treaty signed. See below.

First, Britain gained sovereignty over New Zealand in 1839. This was achieved by the “Law of Nations” under the dependency of New South Wales. Fact!

Second, the Treaty asked the tangata Maori to give up their kawanatanga/governments to the Queen and in return, would become British Subjects. Fact!

A British Subject cannot be in, “Partnership with the Crown”. Fact!


Third, Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter dated the 16 November 1840 separated New Zealand from New South Wales on the 3 May 1841 and made New Zealand into a British Colony with a Governor and Constitution to set up political, legal and justice systems under one flag and one law, irrespective of race, colour or creed. Fact!


New Zealand’s one and only Founding Document. Fact!


People would have to be petty thick to think all this just happened over night, Britain was not like that. Britain was the leading Nation in the world at the time and all this was planned long before Hobson set foot in New Zealand in 1840.

Britain had gain sovereignty legally and had brought peace amongst the warring tribes legally within a very short time with very few lives lost.

An amazing achievement under very difficult circumstances as it was all planned to perfection!

After the slaughter of their fellow countrymen, women and children by Hongi Hika and Te Rauparaha between 1820 and 1830 and the utu/revenge being planned by the remaining tribes, it is highly likely the tangata Maori race would be long gone.

It was only though the British intervention, asked for by the 13 Ngapuhi chiefs in 1831 that the tangata Maori survived. Fact!

Prepared by the One New Zealand Foundation Inc. 23/2/2018. (Copyright).

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Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter

Our “True” Founding Document and “First” Constitution that founded New Zealand was Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent dated the 16 November 1840. See below.


The Royal Charter/Letters Patent was issued by, “Victoria by the Grace of God” under, “The Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland”.


The Royal Charter of 1840 allowed New Zealand to separate from New South Wales dependency and with the consent of the British Parliament and became a British Colony on the 3 May 1841 with its own Governor and Constitution for “Creating and establishing a Legislative Council and an Executive Council, and for granting certain powers and authority to the Governor” to set up a Government to make laws based on English law under the watchful eye of the British Parliament.


Parliaments, Governments and our historians have completely ignored this document for over 179 years, and it is time the people of New Zealand were informed of the importance of this document and the Government acted on it accordingly.


While the Treaty of Waitangi asked the tangata Maori, not tangata Whenua or the indigenous people of New Zealand, to give up their kawanatanga/governments to the Queen and in return they would be given the same rights as the people of England, it did not found New Zealand as a British Colony with a Governor and Constitution or to set up political, legal and justice systems under one law and one flag, irrespective of race, colour or creed. Once the Treaty of Waitangi had been signed by both parties it had served its purpose and was filed away in a storage where it was later damaged by fire when the storage shed caught fire.


Over 500 tangata Maori chiefs representing in excess of 75,000 tangata Maori agreed to the Treaty of Waitangi in the first half of 1840; that they would become British Subjects under one flag and one law, English law. “He iwi tahi tatou – We are now one people”.


In fact, during the trial between Wi Parata v the Bishop of Wellington in 1877, Chief Justice Sir James Prendergast ruled, “So far indeed as that instrument, the Treaty of Waitangi purported to cede sovereignty, it must be regarded as a ‘simple nullity’. No political body existed capable of making cession of sovereignty”. This ruling has never been over-ruled.

Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter of 1840. Constitution of the Colony of New Zealand into a separate Colony 3 May 1841.

Below is Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent dated, the 16 November 1840.  The Constitution of the Colony of New Zealand into a separate British Colony on the 3 May 1841. Archives New Zealand Ref. No. ACGO 8341 1A1 9. This document was removed from Archives New Zealand’s Constitution Room on the 17 April 2017 and place in Archives Repository out of the public’s view. It must now be ordered to research, that is, if future researchers know it exists!

Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent dated the 16 November 1840 belongs to all the people of New Zealand and must be displayed in all schools and government departments as New Zealand’s ‘true’ Founding Document and ‘first’ Constitution.

Prepared by the One New Zealand Foundation Inc. from documents held by Archives New Zealand and the British Parliamentary Papers.   15/1/2018. (Copyright).

Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent 


Charter of 1840.

Constitution of the Colony of New Zealand into a separate colony.

16 November 1840

Disk supplied by the Chief Archivist, Archives New Zealand

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