Allan Titford has had his Appeal to an extension of time to file, An Application for Leave to Appeal, dismissed. This again is a deliberate attempt to deny justice to man that was never given a fair trial. See documents below.
Allan had freehold title to a 1650-acre farm at Maunganui Bluff in 1986. At the time of purchase unbeknown to him, Te Roroa had placed a claim on part of his farm called Manuwhetai.
For 7 years Allan fought this claim, but in 1995, the Crown forced him from his land. The payment he received barely paid for his legal fees to try and keep his farm.
In 2009 Allan’s wife Susan became frustrated with Allan trying to get compensation for his lost property. She wrote to Barrister Greg Denholm asking him, “If Allan was in jail would she get control of his Trusts”. She also wrote to the Minister of Justice, Hon Simon Power asking how she could escape being charged with Perjury. The Minister said if she could prove she was forced to lie in Court she would be excused. Susan wanted control of the finances.
She then talked to Minister, Hon John Carter who said the Crown would give her immunity if she would help the Crown to find Allan guilty of charges that would put him in prison.
John Carter asked Susan to write a list of charges which she gave to him who forwarded it onto the Police. The Police removed some charges and added many others.
Susan also promised her children $5000 each if they would testify against their father in Court. One child writing, “And all the stuff we had to write and say about Dad. I didn’t understand any of it. I tried to ask about it but just got told to do it”.
Allan’s trial began on the 2 September 2013 under Judge Duncan Harvey. Susan, her brother and her children gave their evidence without any documents or witnesses to substantiate it and with little, if any cross examination. What ever they said was taken as the truth.
Allan was refused any witnesses in his defence and everything he said was taken as a lie by the Court. His solicitor John Moroney spending little time preparing his case.
Before he was sentenced, Allan’s sister-in-law, Sheryll Titford, who never really liked Allan and his aunty, Ileen McGrath gave affidavits to the Police that Susan father Graham Cochrane had burn the house down at Maunaganui Bluff and not Allan, but this was withheld from the Court by the Police.
A claim for this land had also been lodged in 1939 by Te Roroa and after a full hearing, it was found by Chief Judge Shepherd that there was no evidence that Te Roroa still owned Manuwhetai. The whole block had been sold to the Crown without any mention of a reserve called Manuwhetai, only Taharoa. The claim was rejected by Parliament in 1942.
No fresh evidence was brought to the Waitangi Tribunal, but the Tribunal, as usual, twisted the truth and recommended the Crown not only return Manuwhetai but both Allan’s and Mr Donny Harrison’s farms to Te Roroa.
When the Minister of Justice and Minister of Treaty Negotiations signed Mr Titford’s Deed of Sale he acknowledged on the Deed of Sale that Manuwhetai was only an “alleged” claim. No evidence had been presented to the Waitangi Tribunal that this land belonged to Te Roroa.
There is no doubt, Mr Titford is a “Political Prisoner” to stop him from telling of the corruption within the Crown and our Justice system to steal an innocent New Zealand Citizen’s freehold titled farm for Te Roroa’s “alleged” land claim, but the Crown still will not allow him a fair trial.
For further information, “Why Allan Titford was Jailed for Twenty-four Years”, by the ONZF.