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If you are Concerned about New Zealand’s Future

Just spend a few minutes of your time to read the following.

I guess most of you watched Prince Harry and Megan Markle get married. What always amazes me on these occasions are the magnificent cathedrals, castles, stone buildings and horse drawn carriages etc., all built long before the Treaty of Waitangi was signed.  Britain also had a stable government and the most advanced political, legal and justice systems in the world in 1840. Great Britain was also one of the most advanced and powerful Nations.


  1. Just spend a few minutes comparing the two countries and its peoples in 1840.

At the time the Treaty of Waitangi was signed, tangata Maori were living in rough raupō hutswithout windows or doors, toilets, running water, only flax and feather clothing, no wheels, no farmed animals for food, still rubbing sticks together to make fire, still practicing cannibalism and with no united political, legal or justice systems. These people were constantly at war with each other and had no form of unity amongst the different tribes. Tangata Maori consisted of hundreds of small tribes living in fear of each other, especially after Hongi Hika, Ngapuhi returned from England in 1820 with over 500 muskets and went on the rampage south killing thousands of his fellow, unarmed countrymen, women and children for the fun of it. By 1830 the southern tribes were arming themselves to attack Ngapuhi tribes for utu – revenge of Hongi Hika’s cowardly atrocities. Thirteen Ngapuhi chiefs asked Britain for protection, not only from the southern tribes, but also from the French who wanted to claim New Zealand for their own. For Britain to legally intervene, Britainhad to claim sovereignty over all the islands of New Zealand and its people, which she did under the Law of Nationson the 30 January 1840.


  1. Just spend a few minutes thinking about the drafting, translation and presentation of the Treaty of Waitangi.

Do you really think Britain would have instructed a Captain in the Royal Navy to write a “Partnership Deal” with these primitive people? As the late Attorney General, Hon David Lange stated in an ABC Four Corners Programme in 1990, “Did Queen Victoria for a moment think of forming a partnership with a number of signatures, a number of thumb prints and 500 people. Queen Victoria was not that sort of person”.A document drafted by 3 men without any legal ability as shown by the wording of the Treaty was then translated into an inadequate language for this type of contract and finally written onto a piece of dog skin which was stored away in a shed where it was later damage by fire and rats. It’s debatable whether the British Parliament even knew of the Treaty of Waitangi as there is no mention of it in the Royal Charter/Letters Patent of 1839 or 1840. It was of little value, if any, in shaping New Zealand.


  1. Just spend a few minutes comparing these two documents, Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the 1839 Royal Charter/Letters Patent.

There was no deal between Britain and the tangata Maori people. Britain obtained sovereignty over New Zealand under theLaw of Nationsby a beautifully prepared, written and presented Royal Charter/Letters Patent in 1839 issued by, “Victoria by the Grace of God” under “The Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland”.  The Royal Charter/Letters Patent of 1839 placed New Zealand under the laws and dependency of New South Wales with the New South Wales Governor, Governor Gipps New Zealand’s first Governor.    


  1. Just spend a few minutes reading Mr T E Youngs “official” translation of the Tiriti o Waitangi for the Legislative Council in 1869.

Lt. Governor Hobson’s Treaty didpromise tangata Maori, “The same rights as the people of England if they gave up their territories and governments to the Queen”, which over 500 tangata Maori chiefs signed in 1840, but there was no mention of a “Partnership” or any privileges or advantages over any other people or their properties in New Zealand. Tangata Maori were promised to be treated the same as the people of England under one flag and one law. By signing the Treaty of Waitangi, tangata Maori accepted becoming British subjects, therefore, as British Subjects they gave up all their cultural rights. The people that signed the Treaty of Waitangi signed it as tangata Maori, not tangata whenua, therefore, accepting they were not the “indigenous people or original inhabitants of New Zealand”, which was wrongly accepted by the United Nations and the New Zealand Government on the 19 April 2010.


  1. Just spend a few minutes thinking about how New Zealand became a British Colony with all the people of New Zealand under one flag and one law.

Twelve months after Britain had claimed Sovereignty over all the islands of New Zealand by the 1839 Royal Charter/Letters Patent under the Law of Nations, Britain issued another Royal Charter/Letters Patent dated the 16 November 1840, again issued by “Victoria by the Grace of God” under “The Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland”. The 1840 Royal Charter/Letters Patent separated New Zealand from New South Wales with a Governor, Governor Hobson and a Constitution to set up a political, legal and justice system under one flag and one law, irrespective of race colour or creed, but under the watchful eye of Great Britain. New Zealand became a British Colony and tangata Maori, British subjects and a British subject cannot be in “Partnership with the Crown”!    


  1. Just spend a few minutes thinking about how corrupt it was to hide our true Founding Documents and first Constitution.

All this information, including the 2 Royal Charters/Letters Patent were readily available in the Constitution Room at Archives New Zealand, but once the One New Zealand Foundation Inc. had brought this information to the public attention in 2014, Government dismantled the Constitution Room on the 17 April 2017 and hid our true Founding Documents and first Constitution amongst the other 6 million documents in Archives Repository. They must now be ordered if future researchers want to research them, that is, if they know they exist!


  1. Just spend a few minutes reading the 2 Royal Charters/Letters Patent and you will see the Treaty of Waitangi had nothing to do with “shaping New Zealand”.

Our Government spent $7.2 million of taxpayer’s money to set up the He TohuExhibit at the Nation Library in Wellington to exhibit the Declaration of Independence and the Treaty of Waitangi as, “Iconic constitutional documents that shaped Aotearoa New Zealand”. The Declaration of Independence and the Treaty of Waitangi had nothing to do with shaping New Zealand, New Zealand was shaped by the Royal Charter/Letters Patent of 1839 and 1840.


  1. Just spend a few minutes thinking about how there can be no “Partnership between Maori and the Crown”.

Great Britain could never have formed a “Partnership” with tangata Maori under English law as British subjects cannot be, “In Partnership with the Crown. New Zealand was shaped by the 1839 and 1840 Royal Charters/Letters Patent under one flag and one law, irrespective of race, colour or creed.


Just spend a few minutes thinking about how the people of New Zealand have been “scammed” into believing the Treaty of Waitangi was our Founding Document. It was notand must be exchanged at the “He Tohu” exhibitfor the two Royal Charters/Letters Patent, our true Founding Documents and first Constitution now hidden away in Archives Repository. These documents belong to allthe people of New Zealand!


For further information and copies of the above-mentioned documents, please log onto,


By Ross Baker, Researcher, One New Zealand Foundation Inc. 6 June 2018. Copyright.

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