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Gross Misinformation by the Constitutional Advisory Panel


From: Ross Baker

Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 8:11 PM

To: ConstitutionalReview

Cc: B English (MIN) ; John Key

Subject: Fw: Gross misinformation!


Att: Andy Holliday

Constitution Advisory Panel.

Justice Department.





Thank you for your update on the Constitution Advisory Panel.

I am disappointed that we have not had a reply to our emails below. Until we receive a reply it is difficult to lodge our Submission when the Constitution Advisory Panel continues to push; “Maori are Indigenous of New Zealand/Aotearoa”.


Professor Ranginui Walker has stated, “There were tangata whenua (prior inhabitants) when the Maoris disembarked in New Zealand in the 14 century” and the Hon John Luxton, Bill English, Pita Sharples and Christopher Finlayson have all stated in writing, “New Zealand does not have a definition of the Indigenous People of New Zealand”. In fact, Ngapuhi Chief David Rankin went further, stating, “Maori are not the Indigenous People of New Zealand/Aotearoa”, March Elocal Magazine. Both Governor Hobson and the Rev Henry Williams and his son Edward knew Maori were not the tangata whenua or the Indigenous People of New Zealand when they used the term “tangata maori” in the Tiriti o Waitangi. There is also no forensic evidence to say Maori were the Indigenous People of New Zealand.


Andy, until the Constitution Advisory Panel stops misleading the public and informs them that Maori are not the Indigenous People of New Zealand, they cannot decide whether Maori and the Treaty of Waitangi should have a special place in our Constitution. The Treaty of Waitangi gave Maori the same rights as the people of England/New Zealand, (Article 3). Queen Victoria did not have the authority or power under English law, which is based on the Magna Carta, to give tangata maori advantage, privilege or special rights over Her English Subjects in the Treaty of Waitangi or under English law.


The Treaty was to allow Britain to form a legal Government in New Zealand under one flag and one law. The Treaty achieved this and Her Majesty then gave Her Royal Charter on the 16 November 1840, our “First Constitution” for New Zealand to break away from New South Wales and become our own British Colony. The Royal Charter our “First Constitution”, also gave Governor Hobson the authority to form a government to bring peace under English law to all the people of New Zealand, including Maori, under one flag and one law. He iwi tahi tatou – We are now one people/Nation!


“The chiefs placed in the hands of the Queen of England, the sovereignty and the authority to make laws”. The Treaty of Waitangi – An Explanation, by Sir Apirana Ngata, Native Affairs Minister, M.A., Ll.B., Lit.D.


The One New Zealand Foundation Inc asks that the Constitution Advisory Panel stops misleading the public and makes “A Formal Public Announcement”, that Maori are not the tangata whenua or Indigenous People of New Zealand. Once the Constitution Advisory Panel has done this, then the people of New Zealand can decide whether they want to Review our Constitution without being misled by those on the Panel for their own hidden agendas or personal gain!


Finally, New Zealand was never called Aotearoa, it was called Nu Tirani when the Tiriti o Waitangi was signed by over 500 tangata maori chiefs in 1840. Nu Tirani translates to New Zealand, not Aotearoa!


Yours sincerely,


Ross Baker.

Researcher, One New Zealand Foundation Inc.


cc. Hon Bill English, Hon Pita Sharples and the Hon John Key.


This email may appear on our website,






From: Ross Baker

Sent: Monday, May 27, 2013 2:32 PM

To: ConstitutionalReview ; B English (MIN)

Subject: Re: Gross misinformation!


Secretariat Constitution Advisory Panel,

Ministers Responsible for the Consideration of Constitution Issues,


I am once again disappointed you have not replied to our emails below. While the Constitution Advisory Panel Members continue to call Maori tangata whenua or the Indigenous People of New Zealand, both the Ministers Responsible for the Consideration of Constitution Issues have state byletter the the information we requested, “that Maoris are the tangata whenua or the Indigenous people of New Zealand” is not held by either Minister and they have no grounds for believing the information is held by other departments, Minister or the Crown, organisation, or by local authority.


As this information is not held by either Minister and they have no grounds for believing the information is held by other departments, Minister or the Crown, organisation, or by local authorities, then this is gross misinformation being distributed to the public by members of the Constitution Advisory Panel.


We ask the Ministers Responsible for the Consideration of Constitution Issues to intervene and stop the Constitution Advisory Panel for misinforming the Public, “That Maori are the tangata whenua or Indigenous People of New Zealand”. As it has continued for so long a public notice must be posted on the Constitution Website, stating, “That Maori are not the tangata whenua or Indigenous People of New Zealand”.


Yours Sincerely,

Ross Baker.

Researcher, One New Zealand Foundation Inc.


These emails will be posted on our website, as the public have a right to know






From: Ross Baker

Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2013 8:03 AM


Subject: Re: Tangata Whenua?


Secretariat Constitution Advisory Panel,



I am disappointed you did not read our letter below and took it as a submission. This letter was asking a question before we can lodge our formal Submission. Since writing this letter Ngapuhi hereditary Chief David Rankin has also stated, “Maori are not indigenous to Aotearoa/New Zealand”.


From your Constitution Conversation booklet and the comment by Dr Ranginui Walker and Chief David Rankin we need to know whether Maori were the indigenous people of New Zealand or not before we can lodge our formal Submission. Please re-read the our letter below and respond accordingly.




Ross Baker,

Researcher, One New Zealand Foundation Inc.








Sent: Monday, May 06, 2013 3:23 PM


Subject: Re: Tangata Whenua?


Dear Mr Baker


Thank you very much for your submission, which the Constitutional Advisory Panel will consider along with the views of other New Zealanders.








“Ross Baker” <> 13/04/2013 10:24 a.m. >>>

To: The Constitutional Advisory Panel


I have just read the Constitution Conversation booklet and see it refers to Maori as “tangata whenua”. I am very confused by this as one of your panel members, Dr Ranginui Walker and a leading academic on Maori history stated in, The New Zealand Book of Events, page 18, “The traditions are quite clear on one point: when ever the the crew disembarked there were already tangata whenua (prior inhabitants). The canoe ancestors of the 14 century merged with these tangata whenua tribes”.


The Treaty of Waitangi also refers to the people that signed the Treaty as “tangata maori” not “tangata whenua”. Governor Hobson and Rev Henry Williams must have known in 1840 that Maori were not the “tangata whenua”.


There is no denying that since this time “tangata maori” have merged with the “pakeha” of their own free will, therefore it would follow on, based on Dr Walker’s findings, these people today would be “New Zealanders”.


Please respond to this email as we would like clarification on this matter before I can make our submission.


Yours sincerely,


Ross Baker.

Researcher, One New Zealand Foundation Inc.


This email and your response will be posted on our website,

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